Monday 30 September 2019


I GO SEE MY DADDY AT LUNCH TIME TODAY ,,,,NO I DIDN’T TAKE HIM LUNCH ,,,I WAS HIS LUNCH TODAY 👅😈👅 HE MEET ME IN THE PARKING LOT AND AS ALWAYS HE KISSES ME SO AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL,,,,NOT A_ Arlean:Why do my ears keep popping?(29 September 2019) Laquita:What would cause my brother to be this way?(29 September 2019) Laquita:My [...]

I smashed my computers!!!?
(28 September 2019)

The 2008 ones are slow and the 2009 one wont turn on.
(28 September 2019)

So I have two Early 2008 20 inch iMacs and a Late 2009 27 inch iMac.
(28 September 2019)

The K on my best friends keyboard just did this. What should he do to fix it?
(28 September 2019)

I'm not sure how he did this, but he says it got stuck somehow.
(28 September 2019)

What is your opinion on the name Olivia for a girl?
(27 September 2019)

Whether you like it or not will not influence your answer for best answer.i will chose someone who comments on the name itself,good or bad.
(27 September 2019)

Although I appreciate any opinions on the name either positive or negative.
(27 September 2019)

In the future if we use it,it may not be as common.
(27 September 2019)

We are not expecting right now and would love opinions on the name itself please.
(27 September 2019)

Another Saturday afternoon

  Well Its Saturday and another no show, what’s wrong with people? Where did common courtesy go? I it really that hard to send a email to let us know you can’t make it?    Well anyways, I w_ Rima:I talk and make eye contact with a guy at work and the girl works with him [...]

My own great-grandmother lost her oldest child (grandfather) a couple years ago.
(27 September 2019)

Is it worse to lose a child when they're babies, very young kids, in their teens, adults or much older?
(27 September 2019)

She claims small funeral are worse because the parent never got to see them grow up.
(27 September 2019)

I had a debate with my friend about this hours ago.
(27 September 2019)

Next year a cousin of mine is getting married. Most likely my siblings and I will be the only cousins not asked. How do I prevent this?
(27 September 2019)

My Mom and Dad will be asked I'm sure but we adult children may be excluded.
(27 September 2019)

How do I prevent being excluded?
(27 September 2019)

Obviously I can only go if invited as I would never invite myself to a wedding.
(27 September 2019)

This one will likely have about 75-100 people only.
(27 September 2019)

Another cousin married and asked us a few years ago, that one was having a huge wedding though of great wealth.
(27 September 2019)

Wow….mid September already!

[image1 border=10 color=blue]Happy Wednesday Folks!!Yep, pic of one of my Sunflowers that came out during the past couple of weeks…..How are you all? Hope Everyone got through the various storms i_ Agnus:What should I say to this person?(29 September 2019) Agnus:He lives further away so getting together might be an issue.(29 September 2019) Agnus:What can I say to [...]

We took her to a doctor who said casting (3 weeks on one leg, then 3 weeks on the other) or surgery are our options.
(27 September 2019)

At first we thought it was cute, then we figured she'd outgrow it, and now we're concerned.
(27 September 2019)

My daughter (age 11) has walked on the balls of her feet since she started walking.
(27 September 2019)

Why is it more common for guys to become friends after a fight than women?
(27 September 2019)

In contrast, when girls get into a catfight or punch each other...a close friendship doesn't happen too much.
(27 September 2019)

He didn't even seem mad at my brother.
(27 September 2019)

To my impression, the guy himself said the beating was deserved.
(27 September 2019)

My own brother beat the stuff out of his former bully on Dec. 2018. Both guys are now HS seniors and their friendship got stronger since.
(27 September 2019)

Sometimes one is beaten and they're friends afterwards.
(27 September 2019)

I've seen this happening a lot among guys but rarely in women.
(27 September 2019)

Wow….mid September already!

[image1 border=10 color=blue]Happy Wednesday Folks!!Yep, pic of one of my Sunflowers that came out during the past couple of weeks…..How are you all? Hope Everyone got through the various storms i_ Agnus:What should I say to this person?(29 September 2019) Agnus:He lives further away so getting together might be an issue.(29 September 2019) Agnus:What can I say to [...]

She has now told me to do whatever it takes to help my situation as long as I don t end up in bed with someone else.
(27 September 2019)

I have talked to her many times, we have tried so many things like doing activities together, she faked showing affections but I could see through the fakeness.
(27 September 2019)

We do have intimacy and everything, but she doesn t behave in a way to make me feel I am a guy anymore.
(27 September 2019)

I have a woman at home, love her to death, but it has been so many years that I don t feel on many occasions that she makes me feel wanted.
(27 September 2019)

My ex and I used to try for a baby all of the time, however, he and his new girlfriend are having one after a few months of dating?
(27 September 2019)

Could that be a sign I am infertile?
(27 September 2019)

Why does he still watch my social media?
(27 September 2019)

Tho he never reaches out to me..just wondering why he is like this.
(27 September 2019)

He still follows me on instagram and watches all my stories..sometimes he likes my pics.
(27 September 2019)

Husband found out about my past and is very upset about the facts as he is a virgin n feels he will be compared by me as per my experience?
(27 September 2019)


????????….Varie volte abbiamo ribadito che restiamo su questo sitosolamente perchè legati al significato del nostro nickcome pure per ciò che contiene in parole ed emozioni,il nostro blog ‘&#_ Devin:Even said we can still hang out and sleep together like before.(28 September 2019) Devin:He said he wants to be friends with me and texts me multiple times a [...]

She agrees that it doesnt make sense that we'd just stop now bc her birthday but I still wanna know.
(27 September 2019)

Some of my friends and her friends know.
(27 September 2019)

I dont really wanna ask my parents bc I havent told them that I've had sex yet and I dont want a lecture.
(27 September 2019)

I'm 13 and my gf just turned 16. I know different states have different rules (we're in South Carolina). We've done it (sex) b4 but I'm not sure what happens now that she just turned 16. I dont turn 14 till March and even still I'm not sure how it works.
(27 September 2019)

Do i have feelings for her??
(27 September 2019)

What does it mean when my boyfriend puts his hand on my lower abdomen when we make love?
(27 September 2019)

He is like that for other many topics, we shouldn't be talking about what we do in bed but we actually do make love.
(27 September 2019)

Like, we sleep together but I'm not supposed to ask?
(27 September 2019)

When I ask him, he blushes and says I shouldn't be asking such silly questions.
(27 September 2019)

He stays like that for minutes without saying a word.
(27 September 2019)

Environmentalist, Lucky Lotto Winner, Cracked iPhone, Philanthropist

Having trouble scanning my Apple Pay barcode, I handed the Barista my phone this morning to pay for my Latte. She said, “Thank you…you miiiight want to clean your screen, by the way.” I lo_ Louetta:I have court soon. My ex wants unrestricted visits with our children..?(28 September 2019) Louetta:He already has a custody order but has [...]

Ok im 19, female and extremely shy.
(27 September 2019)

Is my handwriting bad?
(27 September 2019)

Are fit muscular men in their 30's still at their peak for having sex with women in their 20's?
(27 September 2019)

I'm talking about when physical appearance peak.
(27 September 2019)

Is she acting crazy?
(27 September 2019)

She says I'm dumb for being with him because he's neglecting their child.
(27 September 2019)

She's so upset to the point she said she hopes somebody shoot him in his head for talking about her to me and trying to have us ride in th car together knowing he's sleeping with both of us.
(27 September 2019)

My boyfriend baby's mama wished death on both of us because he told me about her and their baby after knowing him for 2 months.
(27 September 2019)

At what age for a baby should i say no to girlfriend's parents sleeping with baby?
(27 September 2019)

My girlfriend parents lately been takin our daughter to sleep in their bed with , since the baby its a new born thats ok right?
(27 September 2019)

Sunday 29 September 2019


The info following is from MONEY magazine:”In the aftermath of a breach involving personal credit info, experts suggest immediately using your one free annual credit report from each of the credi_ Jenelle:Whether they like that idea or not, boys or girls, (yes all 4 combinations have happened) sooner or later someone I enjoy telling fart jokes [...]

He always talks to me in 2nd and went to be partners with me and his best friend.
(26 September 2019)

I really like this guy in my 2nd and 3rd period, he's weird and freaky like me ;) He's very nice but he talks to some other girls.
(26 September 2019)

So I have recently been faced with a great ball of struggle!?
(26 September 2019)

Main question is who can I tell, how can I not seem clingy or keep her around.
(26 September 2019)

I don't want to seem clingy or like I'm using her.
(26 September 2019)

How to get revenge on flat neighbor?
(26 September 2019)

Began high school relationship, what to do now?
(26 September 2019)

I normally could, except now that we are more than friends its awkward (teens am I right).
(26 September 2019)

I'm not sure how to keep up a conversation.
(26 September 2019)

Is it ok to put my arm around her?
(26 September 2019)


It’s Opening Sunday for the 2017 NFL FOOTBALL SEASON………Who’s your favorite team(s) ??? What are your expectations for your team ???_ Jacquelin:So she can call me whatever she wants.(28 September 2019) Jacquelin:There is nothing that she has in store for me… That she isn’t, and hasn’t done to herself.(28 September 2019) Jacquelin:I sent Glenda Ramsey King, my dad’s [...]

What does it mean when a girl looks back at a guy?
(26 September 2019)

I know I sound super weird but does it mean she likes him?
(26 September 2019)

She was laughing when he was talking to them.
(26 September 2019)

My crush looked back at him and started playing with her hair.
(26 September 2019)

He seemed like he was being kinda silly.
(26 September 2019)

A guy walked over and talked to one of her friends real quick and then walked away.
(26 September 2019)

I like this girl and she was with 2 of her friends.
(26 September 2019)

My sister is so noisy?
(26 September 2019)

I cant go out somewhere else to study either, we live in a small house with lots of people and I dont have a car.
(26 September 2019)

I m the kinda person who gets distracted easily, I told her many times before to put headphones but she is just so stubborn and controlling.
(26 September 2019)

Some self love

On a hump day when no one is there to hump you, you have to do what you have to do._ Alia:Obviously I can only go if invited as I would never invite myself to a wedding.(27 September 2019) Alia:This one will likely have about 75-100 people only.(27 September 2019) Alia:Another cousin married and asked us a few [...]

But when I thought I missed my bus, he got super worried and kept asking if I was gonna be okay.
(26 September 2019)

Which I guess is kind of normal for guys.
(26 September 2019)

One being that this week he waited for me after class and proceeded to make sure he got every door for me.
(26 September 2019)

After awhile I've started to notice he does things that I haven't noticed with other guys.
(26 September 2019)

In one of my courses there is a guy, and we've become quite friendly with each other.
(26 September 2019)

Trying to talk about this has only led to bickering and he won't see a counselor.
(26 September 2019)

He says all hi exes cheated on him and I am thinking they did because he acted this way.
(26 September 2019)

He is also more interested in jerking off to porn than making love to me and makes comments that are put downs but gets defensive when called on it and says they are jokes.
(26 September 2019)

I have to say, doesn't respond to questions and walks off and leaves me talking to myself.
(26 September 2019)

Fiance moved in with me 4 months ago.Since then I discovered he likes me to listen without interrupting no matter how urgent an interruption may be but he has no interest in anything.
(26 September 2019)

Men Are Crazy Too

dude.last guy I met here is the REASON I don’t meet.WEEKS AGO I met up with this guy, a Firefighter.He took me out, I was just going to meet him for a drink,he said he doesn’t drink.I made the_ Sybil:So I’m wondering should I take a pregnancy test or go to the doctor?(27 September 2019) Sybil:I don’t [...]

How do you break off a relationship with a girl without hurting her feelings?
(26 September 2019)

I want to exit the relationship but without causing any pain to her.
(26 September 2019)

I feel awful for her that she had to go through such an experience but at the same time I'm a little upset that she has not told me this before we started dating, I don't know how to handle the situation I have never dated these types of girls before.
(26 September 2019)

She admitted to me that in her past she has been a victim of sexual assault.
(26 September 2019)

I have been dating this girl going on 3 months now she is very sweet and beautiful, my only issue is this last week she caught me off-guard dropping a bombshell of me.
(26 September 2019)

He says that he doesn't want me to know where she stay.
(26 September 2019)

And just after he picked me up from work last night, he got out of the car at the gas station just to walk to her house to give her some money for their baby.
(26 September 2019)

My boyfriend says all of this stuff about his baby's mom but when she call, he's there to answer without hesitation.
(26 September 2019)

And next month she want me to give her money for gas and she want to see me but i doubt that she want to.
(26 September 2019)

But she doesnt pay me back and sometimes i dont expect her to but dont say you will pay back when you know you'll forget.
(26 September 2019)

Men Are Crazy Too

dude.last guy I met here is the REASON I don’t meet.WEEKS AGO I met up with this guy, a Firefighter.He took me out, I was just going to meet him for a drink,he said he doesn’t drink.I made the_ Sybil:So I’m wondering should I take a pregnancy test or go to the doctor?(27 September 2019) Sybil:I don’t [...]

None of the other teachers do that.
(26 September 2019)

I care about cleaning) Who does that?
(26 September 2019)

Today she said, I don't like your hoover. (I was thinking, does it look like I care what you like?
(26 September 2019)

If I work a total of 5.5hours in a day on a particular day, should I have gotten a 30min lunch break?
(26 September 2019)

I asked this question already but I want to ask again with a specification.
(26 September 2019)

Sibling incest?
(26 September 2019)

I agree that sibling incest is sick but what about two siblings laying on one another naked if they share a bed (two boys) or girls but nothing sexual about it just young teenagers ?
(26 September 2019)

What can I do with my 19 year old brother before being deployed?
(26 September 2019)

My brother is being deplyed The day before my birthday And wondering if there was something fun we could go do somewhere somehow?
(26 September 2019)

I want to move on from someone who I felt bullied me but now I sense weird feelings from said person, what could it be?
(26 September 2019)


There is hope! A great first meeting with a wonderful man. Funny, smart, attractive, in great shape, great conversation, and a really nice ass! lol Very much looking forward to meeting #2!_ Angelita:I am getting sick of this, that was way too far.(27 September 2019) Angelita:At first she would just touch my arms, shoulders, or hands, but [...]

Is my friend overreacting or is he right? Should our teachers be fired?
(26 September 2019)

He told me he he was younger Steve was in special education and was excluded from alot of activities and it really hurt him.
(26 September 2019)

I spoke to his bestfriend about why he flipped out like that.
(26 September 2019)

So another teacher came over along with a security guard came in and talked steve into going out for fresh air which he did.
(26 September 2019)

I'm talking screaming like people outside heard him.
(26 September 2019)

Well, Steve came back early and started going nuts when he saw the happy Steve not being here day.
(26 September 2019)

So for the first 10 minutes we ate bagels, while in the mean time other friend wrote happy Steve not being here day.
(26 September 2019)

Steve wouldnt be in class that period since he was doing something for the school.
(26 September 2019)

Anyway, another person suggested we will have a party for Steve not being here.
(26 September 2019)

However, her birthday is actually next Monday.
(26 September 2019)

Saturday 28 September 2019

CLASSIC REVIEWS: American Buttman In London

Directed By: John StaglianoRuntime: 2 hours 20 minutesRelease Date: December 12, 1991Cast: Carrie Jones, Linzi Drew, Louise Armani, Louise Drysden, Misty McCaine, Sara Jane, Sarah Walker, Bob Harrison_ Freeda:This girl worker at a gas station kept eye balling me,then looking away when i looked towards her?(26 September 2019) Linnea:Women: Please shed some light on this matter?(26 September [...]

It is now 8 days before my next period is due and today I've had a 'full' bloated kind of feeling in my lower abdomen, and mild cramps in my lower back and abdomen.
(25 September 2019)

About 3-5 days after that (I can't remember exactly) I felt pinching cramps on one side of my lower abdomen which felt like ovulation but I thought it was too early for that and cervical mucus didn't really match what is expected for ovulation.
(25 September 2019)

My partner and I want to start having kids and are both 30. My partner went on holiday to see his family and we last did it the day after my period ended (day 8) and I have a fairly typical 28 day cycle, sometimes shorter sometimes longer.
(25 September 2019)

Is this anything for me to still be thinking about?
(25 September 2019)

He said he wanted to visit and even looked at flights.
(25 September 2019)

Where do you plan to go tomorrow spontaneously?
(25 September 2019)

I feel like I always screw up with my crush?
(25 September 2019)

Btw i'm 19, and he's 27. We get along pretty well, but I don't want him to stop liking me.
(25 September 2019)

I feel like he'll get annoyed of me.
(25 September 2019)

Flip floopy guy I think hes playing games?
(25 September 2019)

So Me…

[image]xoxoHarley_ Bok:Like King Buthold, ruler of the Saxonite tribe of Britthonland.(26 September 2019) Yer:What does it mean when a girl looks back at a guy?(26 September 2019) Yer:I know I sound super weird but does it mean she likes him?(26 September 2019) Yer:She was laughing when he was talking to them.(26 September 2019) Yer:My crush looked back at him and [...]

I still love my ex, should I try to avoid him?
(25 September 2019)

He had shown signs like giving me stuff but i'm still not sre.
(25 September 2019)

I don't know if he still loves me.
(25 September 2019)

Pls help father left and mom is single?
(25 September 2019)

Am I being realistic to bond with this person via the internet?
(25 September 2019)

I really want to get to know this guy as I like him a lot more than any of the guys i'm talking to on grindr or tinder that live in my area.
(25 September 2019)

The only issue is that I live in the DC area and he lives in the U.K.
(25 September 2019)

Whenever I talk to him so much time goes by cause we're having a good time talking that we don't even notice how much time goes by.
(25 September 2019)

His personality is great, he's funny kind, patient, warm, approachable and he has a calmness about him that makes me feel at ease.
(25 September 2019)

There's something about him that makes me feel like I can be completely myself with him.
(25 September 2019)

Yesterday in a gay sauna

I don’t consider myself a gay person. I love women most of all. But, I also worship cocks. I visited several gay saunas, mostly when I was on a business trip, and far away from the place where I l_ Angla:He looks like a bobblehead shaking from side to side.(26 September 2019) Angla:He doesn’t have an appointment [...]

I was on Facebook earlier and I've seen that almost all of my cousins and some friends are pregnant, and they post gatherings together almost every day and my friends have other friends or significant others that they're with and do stuff with them.
(25 September 2019)

I'm 21 years old , two jobs & in a relationship.
(25 September 2019)

It's just that today it's kinda different.
(25 September 2019)

So I've been feeling lonely, sometimes it's on and off and I forget about it and go on with my day.
(25 September 2019)

Do you like the name Meeshell or Anas better for a girl?
(25 September 2019)

My estranged sister is dating a man. Should I warn this man how abusive she is?
(25 September 2019)

Or might it be a man more mentally ill then me even who enjoys the abuse?
(25 September 2019)

Is it odd that my friend prefers house parties over going to bars at her age?
(25 September 2019)

My friend is 28 but she told me she prefers at her age going to house parties for fun and drinking instead of going to a bar or clubbing.
(25 September 2019)

Does PrincessBluePixie love it when KingMier Calls her Senorita?
(25 September 2019)

Yesterday in a gay sauna

I don’t consider myself a gay person. I love women most of all. But, I also worship cocks. I visited several gay saunas, mostly when I was on a business trip, and far away from the place where I l_ Angla:He looks like a bobblehead shaking from side to side.(26 September 2019) Angla:He doesn’t have an appointment [...]

I am feeling a little lost here and don't know where to go. . .
(25 September 2019)

Is this girl blocking me simply a setback regarding my manifestation to meet her or is it something else?
(25 September 2019)

I have autism and I would never try to force this to happen.
(25 September 2019)

However, I have asked the universe for the opportunity to meet her in person and read that this may be a good thing regarding my wish.
(25 September 2019)

I tried to make my desire known to my friends on Facebook, but she got word somehow and she blocked me.
(25 September 2019)

She and I live in different towns.
(25 September 2019)

I have had a crush on a specific girl for a while now that I've never met in person, but I have desired to meet her for a long time.
(25 September 2019)

My life is out of control now that my controlling wife isn't trying to control it anymore (besides chores-wise), I'm in culture shock. Help?
(25 September 2019)

I mean obviously keep up with my hygiene, but the dinners she makes are crap now and I've been putting on weight rapidly for over a year now.
(25 September 2019)

And now, nothing... Trust me, I don't miss it, but I don't know what my options are now that I'm not being controlled.
(25 September 2019)

Sexy wife….in bkk

This chick strikes up a friendship with a new neighbor who seems to be an easy-going type of person, he’s got his horny cock in his pants and he definitely wants to satisfy its lust…Cheating wife_ Wilda:I spoke to his bestfriend about why he flipped out like that.(26 September 2019) Wilda:So another teacher came over along with [...]

Hard to let go of those memories.
(25 September 2019)

Sometimes I would feed him, change his diapers and bathe him.
(25 September 2019)

I used to squeeze his face when he was a baby and toddler.
(25 September 2019)

He's still my baby brother I've known all my life.
(25 September 2019)

However, I couldn't bring myself to throw him under the bus.
(25 September 2019)

I knew he was cheating on her for many months.
(25 September 2019)

She was engaged to my brother for nearly a year.
(25 September 2019)

I ve a boy bestfriend..But one day..when i ve a bf...he dont wnt to talk or read my msg anymre..wht should i do? leave my bf?
(25 September 2019)

I love my bf..but i dont want my boy bestfriend to leave scared..
(25 September 2019)

Religion question VI?
(25 September 2019)

Friday 27 September 2019

These fake hot listings are laughable

I’m in my mid 50s’, so why would a hot 27 year old from Germany be sending me winks & hot listing me? Gee!, am I that good looking that there are no bounds to women falling over themselves to meet me?_ Tona:Relationship after divorce!?(25 September 2019) Tona:Also for him and the kids on both sides.(25 September [...]

Have you ever been too afraid to read an email from someone? 10 pts?
(25 September 2019)

It has been sitting in my email unread for a few weeks.
(25 September 2019)

I got into a disagreement with an online friend and I am now afraid to read his final email to me.
(25 September 2019)

Does my stomach look big or small for 5 months pregnant?
(25 September 2019)

I'm healthy and my baby is healthy and I know that's all that matters but I'm curious.
(25 September 2019)

I started at 145 pounds before my pregnancy and now I currently weigh 152 pounds.
(25 September 2019)

Why wold a guy friend request on FB months after we met?
(25 September 2019)

Since then he's been asking me questions about what I do for work n such, I m interested in his life too.
(25 September 2019)

I understand if he lived in the same country as me but he's far away.
(25 September 2019)

We only talked for a little the night we met, why would he want to locate me on social media?
(25 September 2019)

Have a present….Its my dick in a box

I just thought this was funny…anyways I’m just bored so hit me up_ Roseanna:They walk out on me suddenly and start hurting me.(25 September 2019) Roseanna:Thing is, people who initially liked me eventually stopped and the reason is always bc I’m extra nice to them.(25 September 2019) Roseanna:And now, I’m especially nice to a manager at my current [...]

Early this year i started hearing from her but only occasionally.
(24 September 2019)

However, in 3 years before i think i heard from her twice.
(24 September 2019)

Last year she called or texted me twice.
(24 September 2019)

After the first 6 mos i started hearing less an less.
(24 September 2019)

She entered a relationship about 5 years ago.
(24 September 2019)

Are there any names before seconds?
(24 September 2019)

People who won't lift a finger to help you?
(24 September 2019)

What does an A, C and D average out to as a grade?
(24 September 2019)

Why do people date people who dont take care of their health and their body's?
(24 September 2019)

I don't understand how anyone could date someone or marry someone who smokes, drinks profusely, eats junk food all the time, never exercises, is overweight, out of breath walking up a flight of stairs.
(24 September 2019)


My friend and I when to the bar Wanting to play pool. Your friend and you got to the open pool table the same time we did. You smiled and say why don’t share. Next question was who played with who_ Imelda:If I was good in bed lasted long and did all kinds of foreplay.(25 September [...]

That's been going on for these past two months.
(24 September 2019)

Couple days later Id bleed again for a short time.
(24 September 2019)

A couple days after the date of my next shot I immediately got cramps and I would bleed for a day or two and it would stop.
(24 September 2019)

All the side effects and how long it can take to be able to get pregnant.
(24 September 2019)

I was supposed to get my second shot in the beginning of august but I decided not to after finding more information that I wasn't told at the clinic.
(24 September 2019)

What do i do i an the one cops are looking for?
(24 September 2019)

He wold not pay up when he wold buy weed.
(24 September 2019)

No i did not do it but i know who did.
(24 September 2019)

My wife beats me?
(24 September 2019)

Homesickness and loneliness will it ever get better?
(24 September 2019)


My friend and I when to the bar Wanting to play pool. Your friend and you got to the open pool table the same time we did. You smiled and say why don’t share. Next question was who played with who_ Imelda:If I was good in bed lasted long and did all kinds of foreplay.(25 September [...]

I committed to coming here because it was an hour and a half away from home so it was easy to visit frequently.
(24 September 2019)

I am a freshman at UC San Diego.
(24 September 2019)

What is ypur opinion on the name Spencer for a boy?
(24 September 2019)

What is your opinion on the name Oliver for a boy?
(24 September 2019)

What color baby will a light skinned black woman and an olive skinned man make?
(24 September 2019)

And out of her siblings she is the only light skinned one.
(24 September 2019)

A middle eastern man with the Mediterranean look to be more specific and a light skinned black woman whose mother is dark skinned and father is light like her.
(24 September 2019)

Why are my ears a weird shape?
(24 September 2019)

Is this guy from work little weird?
(24 September 2019)

Why would my 4 yr old niece throw a tantrum just because I asked her to take a nap?
(24 September 2019)

(Special) Lock and Chain

Lock and Chainmrscott62There is a most precious and lovinglittle lady that gently prey upon my thoughts whose golden lock and chainfearlessly guard my heart, mind, bodyand soul.She is the most sweet_ Lorina:Soooo I’m 19 years old, and I’m currently not in college.(24 September 2019) Creola:How do I connect with my dad?(24 September 2019) Creola:How do I better connect [...]

Girls, would you be upset if your boyfriend was doing this?
(24 September 2019)

I know it sounds stupid, but I'm afraid he might find them hotter than me and will probably want me to get toned thighs like them, etc.
(24 September 2019)

He says it's all about the music for him, but he's still looking at them and probably finding them hot.
(24 September 2019)

There are even scenes where 2 girls are running down a hotel hallway and they suddenly strip down to their bras and panties as they run.
(24 September 2019)

The video is always zooming in on their butts, legs, high heels, etc. and those are the parts he loves on me.
(24 September 2019)

Recently, he just discovered a new channel and he says he loves the music, but the video is all about these hot ladies doing nonsense stuff.
(24 September 2019)

My boyfriend likes listening to long sets of deep house music while he works because the music is consistent enough.
(24 September 2019)

What age do man have no sex drive?
(24 September 2019)

Wife says I have a dual life?
(24 September 2019)

So how do I explain to her that its her own behavior that is creating the problem?
(24 September 2019)

I need a man…………

xoxox_ Ranae:Why is this girl constantly talking to everyone in front of me and why is she making me jealous?(24 September 2019) Mahalia:Am I too attached to my side chick?(24 September 2019) Mahalia:I miss being around her friends and fam and she eventually agreed to meet up.(24 September 2019) Mahalia:She’s still in a relationship, and I love speaking to [...]

I have no pickup skills with women, so how do I achieve this?
(24 September 2019)

I've seen some porn with naked wwomen lately and I've been turned on.
(24 September 2019)

I've never tried or considered a woman.
(24 September 2019)

I am 26. I've done the gay thing since my teenage years.
(24 September 2019)

I love him so much it hurts me it has to be this way we only see each other once a week and I'm not allowed to go to his house because he's a businessman.
(24 September 2019)

I'm tired of going to bed every night all alone and the distance.
(24 September 2019)

If you was with your boyfriend for a year and nothing changed would you secretly give up expecting him not to really marry you and enjoy the ride for a while or would you give it one more year?
(24 September 2019)

Do you think he was playing?
(24 September 2019)

This is not the first time he's done some evil crap.
(24 September 2019)

I was crying and I had a break down.
(24 September 2019)

Thursday 26 September 2019

What Is Your being Nude Preference?

What Is Your being Nude Preference? Some people are open to being nude in a larger group setting. While others prefer to be nude in a more private setting. So which nude setting are you more into? A_ Donnette:Positive or Evap Line?(24 September 2019) Donnette:I can’t tell if it’s an evap or positive line?(24 September 2019) Donnette:I was [...]

No response in almost a day and I know she isn't that busy We do have plans to make a big trip together to see each other in a month, but would like to know what's going on before I book flights etc.
(24 September 2019)

My boyfrriend wants a baby and we are really young, what should I do?
(24 September 2019)

He wants a baby no matter the sex he says he will be the happiest guy on earth he really wants to be a dad, he is a family guy.
(24 September 2019)

He doesn't seem scared at all while I am completely clueless.
(24 September 2019)

Of course I want a baby but maybe is it too soon?
(24 September 2019)

I have no idea how I will take care of both of them, I am completely inexperienced this is my first relationship.
(24 September 2019)

He asks me often if we can have a baby and I just dont know what to say, I want it too but I feel not ready and I want to spare some money before.
(24 September 2019)

At the mall he stops at the newborn department because he wants to see the toys baby perfumes.
(24 September 2019)

This time he did it himself, so I find it cute somehow for a guy like him.
(24 September 2019)

At the beach this summer he couldn't help but rest his head on my tummy and kiss it, he kept fondling me from breasts to tummy although he has always hated pda and when other prople did it he used to get mad.
(24 September 2019)

Is “grief sex” a thing?

So I’m sure I mentioned this guy a few blogs back, but a short recap for those who don’t both reading everything: I was fixing to hop in the shower, but not before spending some time on the &q_ Gertie:Does anybody else hate birthdays? Or is it just me?(24 September 2019) Gertie:I wish to stay in between [...]

The closest info I have is the name of the uncooperative stepmother.
(23 September 2019)

Attempts for them to talk to them and inquire about the birth mom have been unsuccessful.
(23 September 2019)

The sister and her husband are currently not in a good place with her husband's father and stepmother.
(23 September 2019)

The birth mom was trying to keep things quiet to avoid drawing widespread attention to her pregnancy.
(23 September 2019)

This sister had heard her husband's stepmother talking about the situation to her, but she didn't get any specific info such as who this birth mom is.
(23 September 2019)

We heard about a situation through our sister-in-law that her sister's husband has a teen cousin who is looking to place her twins up for adoption.
(23 September 2019)

Why did my ex unblock me on fb?
(23 September 2019)

My ex started talking to his other ex again and so he decided to block me on fb even though I had already unfriended him.
(23 September 2019)

Should I give up being their friend?
(23 September 2019)

I feel like I m wasting my time and if she wants to continue being friends, she should check up on me more often.
(23 September 2019)

Cuando no hay manera que se levante

Parece una maldición, pero es así como lo contaba… ¡que no se me levanta!En este caso, por mala suerte, soy el segundo en llegar al trabajo y me tocaba escuchar a un compañero que tenía cier_ Vonnie:We have been dating for months, it’s long distance.(24 September 2019) Valencia:Is a guy who does this a good or bad person?(24 September 2019) Valencia:If [...]

I'm 32 years old and I never moved out due to fact that my parents are somewhat dependent financially on me.
(23 September 2019)

They don't have much money saved up so it's going to be hard for them for awhile.
(23 September 2019)

So, my parents are become more dependent on me financially.
(23 September 2019)

My parents are getting older and approaching retirement age.
(23 September 2019)

How in the winter solstic?
(23 September 2019)

Plus there's a chance that it was just a one off drunken mistake and he won't do it again (unlikely but hey you never know) and if that is the case shouldn't I spare my friend the pain and heartbreak?
(23 September 2019)

I actually met him before I met her (we all went to the same university) and although I'm closer to her I feel like I'd be betraying him if I told her.
(23 September 2019)

But here's the catch... I'm friends with her boyfriend too.
(23 September 2019)

She needs to know the truth and I feel like it's my duty as her friend to not let her get played again.
(23 September 2019)

So I really want to tell my friend what happened.
(23 September 2019)

My FIRST …..cousin, female, and … Part V

Greeting people at the door while being nude was nothing new for Ronni. Some were accidental while others planned. Just a fact of living the nude lifestyle that accidents do occur. However, she doe_ Anamaria:After texting her about 3 times asking if she still wanted to go to the concert, I gave up.(23 September 2019) Anamaria:I told [...]

There was nothing bad in the messages.
(23 September 2019)

My friend showed my the test messages that I had sent her to other people.
(23 September 2019)

My mom is a single parent and she's can i help her if i'm only 12?
(23 September 2019)

How long would it take a person to fall 10,000 feet on earth?
(23 September 2019)

Can someone show me how to get the answer?
(23 September 2019)

Why is he not answering me?
(23 September 2019)

Maybe he changed his mind about me.
(23 September 2019)

He mentioned that he would be in a game and wanted to invite me the next day but I didn't hear back from him.
(23 September 2019)

I am getting worried since it's been two days now that he has not answered my messages.
(23 September 2019)

We typically message each other everyday.
(23 September 2019)

to ride the dark horse.

She stood silently in the warm room, her feet spread hip width apart, her arms above her head, held firmly in place with rope. The position pulled her breasts up and apart, her shoulder ached slightl_ Yung:As a man would you have sex with a woman in a wheelchair?(23 September 2019) Joelle:Why are British women so pretentious, [...]

But my husband and I were the first to get married, produce the first grandchild... And we've tried talking to her.
(23 September 2019)

My husband and his sister are 5yrs apart, with my sil being the oldest.
(23 September 2019)

I know she's jealous, but the drama is so exhausting.
(23 September 2019)

My sister in law doesn't like me, and Ive known that for a while.
(23 September 2019)

I am still friends with my ex and the guy I've been seeing has a problem with that?
(23 September 2019)

There is nothing going on with my ex and frankly I don't appreciate him trying to control who I can be friends with.
(23 September 2019)

I just don't understand what the issue is?
(23 September 2019)

That is not an option, especially for a relationship that has lasted a couple of months.
(23 September 2019)

If I do that it would mean that I have to stop hanging out with all my friends.
(23 September 2019)

He wants me to stop hanging out with him.
(23 September 2019)

Wednesday 25 September 2019

never again

your not taking my fantasy out of my brain this year Pricks ~men like you ~ are the worst kind of men to go near woman ~never again im British lady type of vagina I have ~ patriotic pussy Elegant pa_ Madeleine:I like to buy him a saddle cause,he goes to horse riding.(23 September 2019) Else:My wife [...]

Is like one of those situation where you don't want it to happen but is the right thing to do so not to drag it any longer than it should, and is best for both side.
(23 September 2019)

But is already an understood thing between us.
(23 September 2019)

Just the thought that my bf and I might eventually break up cause of the distance issue is upsetting enough.
(23 September 2019)

Confused About My Wife's Intentions?
(23 September 2019)

Is it wrong for me to do this?
(23 September 2019)

And not that I look forward to ending things with my bf, we really don't want that to happen, but we both know the possibility is there considering the distance issue.
(23 September 2019)

Not that my mom is telling me to cheat on my bf, which I have already told him about the guy, but she doesn't want me to miss out on opportunities.
(23 September 2019)

I don't mind being friends with this guy, he's a really nice person.
(23 September 2019)

I feel like is wrong to continue letting this other guy's hope up since I'm in a relationship, which he knows.
(23 September 2019)

He does want me to move in with him within a year although he respects me a lot and said he doesn't want to pressure me.
(23 September 2019)

Chat IM

Hmu if you like to chat kick handymanalltheway69._ Anisa:I’ve actually met this girl and I think I’m in love.(22 September 2019) Anisa:My main goal was to make new friends, take school seriously this time and meet someone who I really care about.(22 September 2019) Anisa:I’m 16 and finally have begun freshman year.(22 September 2019) Kristi:Is there such thing as [...]

What can I do about my baby?
(22 September 2019)

Her father isn't around and I don't have anyone else to help out.. She sometimes plays with her toys for about 5 minutes but then she wants to be held again.
(22 September 2019)

I love her and love holding her but I can't do anything like eat or even take a shower because I always have to be holding her.
(22 September 2019)

She hates her swings and doesn't like anything but being held.
(22 September 2019)

She will cry until I stand up with her.
(22 September 2019)

I can't even sit down while holding her unless it's when I'm feeding her.
(22 September 2019)

Even putting her on the floor with her toys doesn't do anything, she still wants to be held.
(22 September 2019)

She seems to get bored easily and wants constant stimulation.
(22 September 2019)

I love my baby but she always wants to be held.
(22 September 2019)

Am I too picky to want a virgin to marry?
(22 September 2019)

fixing sprinklers

Not bragging or pretending I am handy. gardeners are great at destroying sprinklers. Running over plastic with metal spinning blades does a great job at sprinkler destruction.They mow, blow and go. Le_ Ruby:He just sits on the couch does his personal projects, eats than leaves in the evening than comes backs the next day and does [...]

I just turned 17 recently, but my cousins who are 8 think I am really old.
(22 September 2019)

Why is he bringing me up?
(22 September 2019)

He saw my sister boyfriend last week... and he brought me up... and he called me crazy and how bad of a person I am.
(22 September 2019)

Why doesn't he text me outside of the times we hang out?
(22 September 2019)

Should I express how I feel to him or just let it go?
(22 September 2019)

My friends say its because I go to school 4 hours away.
(22 September 2019)

I really like him but I feel as though he's not pursuing me.
(22 September 2019)

He says he'll see me soon and asks when I'll be home again.
(22 September 2019)

I was home this weekend and asked to see him and we had sex and a sleepover.
(22 September 2019)

He comments on my story's on Instagram but sometimes he doesn't even watch them.
(22 September 2019)

fixing sprinklers

Not bragging or pretending I am handy. gardeners are great at destroying sprinklers. Running over plastic with metal spinning blades does a great job at sprinkler destruction.They mow, blow and go. Le_ Ruby:He just sits on the couch does his personal projects, eats than leaves in the evening than comes backs the next day and does [...]

He says he'll see me soon and asks when I'll be home again.
(22 September 2019)

I was home this weekend and asked to see him and we had sex and a sleepover.
(22 September 2019)

He comments on my story's on Instagram but sometimes he doesn't even watch them.
(22 September 2019)

He doesn't text me when I am here but I did reach out one time and we spoke then.
(22 September 2019)

We hungout one time by ourselves over the summer and then I went back to school.
(22 September 2019)

We hangout with our friend group and he's always very sweet, flirty and affectionate in person.
(22 September 2019)

I recently met a guy that I am into.
(22 September 2019)

Tips for meeting boyfriend's Cambodian parents?
(22 September 2019)

Also his family does not have much money if that plays a role in anything.
(22 September 2019)

I'm white and have never dated someone from another country before so I wanted to understand how to be around his parents.
(22 September 2019)


“Roxanne” is a song by English rock band The Police. Written by lead singer and bassist Sting, the song was released in April 1978 as a single from their debut album Outlandos d’Amour. I_ Tam:I don’t really know her, but she’s very pretty.(22 September 2019) Tam:I like this Sophomore girl (I’m a junior) at my high school.(22 [...]

Why does my son have to take offense to everything?
(22 September 2019)

Then went on to tell me it's not about me and I'm a guest too.
(22 September 2019)

He went on a rant how they've never got along, only in the past few years they have and he would have been happy to invite him but as his gesture and not mine?
(22 September 2019)

My son rang me up to tell me not to invite people without his consent and said if his brother was to be there it was for him to offer him one of his tickets.
(22 September 2019)

His graduation is coming up and I invited his brother along with his partner and children.
(22 September 2019)

My friend's crush likes me, and I have liked him for over a year but she does not know. What do I do?
(22 September 2019)

That was last year, and this year, she says shes over him. recently i found out he wants to ask me on a date, and our mutual friend asked me what im gonna do.
(22 September 2019)

I have sacrificed my feelings for this boy ever since i realized my friend had a crush on him.
(22 September 2019)

Im a high schooler with morals i follow.
(22 September 2019)

Why does a guy constantly brags about himself next to me and ignore a girl he likes while talking to other girls?
(22 September 2019)

Tuesday 24 September 2019

The Top Signs That You Have A Boring Job

You’re introduced to everyone as “The Minesweeper God.”You have visited every website in the world.You’re the Spelling Bee Coordinator in rural Alabama.You are the only one that is r_ Dalene:He turned it into a conversation about how he has gotten so messed up some years ago.(21 September 2019) Dalene:When talking to my pal he asked how my [...]

I slowly fall in love with her when we were in College.
(22 September 2019)

I've been friends with Emcee since highschool.
(22 September 2019)

Why are we less sexually active as we get older?
(22 September 2019)

Most women see short men as physically weak.
(22 September 2019)

I'm in my early 40's and never had a girlfriend, I'm not tall enough.
(22 September 2019)

There was a study done that when you're in your 20's, you are more sexually active compared to your 40's and you have less and less sex as you get older.
(22 September 2019)

I might be the only one out my cousins who don't have a boyfriend?
(22 September 2019)

Please tell me the truth and no lies.
(22 September 2019)

It frustrates me that I might be the the only cousin without a boyfriend.
(22 September 2019)

I might be even more unattractive them most of my other cousins.
(22 September 2019)

fav qote

shoot for the moon and if you miss you will always land beyond the stars_ Miss:Shes very much an extrovert, i dont know if that matters, shes very open. this is weighing very much on my mind and my stomach is in knots.(21 September 2019) Sherlyn:Is regret just a part of growing up?(21 September 2019) Kristy:Does me being [...]

Why do sad things happen to me like this?
(21 September 2019)

Are guys staring at me because they like me?
(21 September 2019)

I have a high school class with a guy I really like (we are both 14 if that matters) and i'll look over and he'll be staring at me.
(21 September 2019)

Can I ask my date about her criminal history on the first date?
(21 September 2019)

Is fighting every day in families common?
(21 September 2019)

My parents start yelling or insulting each other or me almost every day about small things, I feel bad when I compare my family to others because they seem more happier.
(21 September 2019)

Do guys find it unattractive when a girl has smoked and gotten high before?
(21 September 2019)

Do guys like bangs on girls?
(21 September 2019)

Do you like wispy bangs at least?
(21 September 2019)

It seems that many guys do not like bangs?
(21 September 2019)


- Eu não sou calendário que cê usa 30 diasVira a página, esquece que eu existo e someO mal não se alimenta a gente corta na raizE não adianta pedir perdãoNão prometa nunca o que você não vai_ Becki:Women do you notice hair growing in random places?(21 September 2019) Becki:Could you be on birth control when you [...]

I thought he might be feeling it too as he's constantly staring at me, listening in on my conversations, trying to talk to me at work, smiling at me, and texting me.
(21 September 2019)

I've had a crush on this guy I work with for a long time.
(21 September 2019)

How do I call out my roommate on his lies (read details)?
(21 September 2019)

I want to confront him about these lies successfully, but he always gets super defensive and has more lies thought out.
(21 September 2019)

He also sometimes tells people he was a lifelong vegan when he was really only a vegan for like 7 months.
(21 September 2019)

He used to tell people that his little cousin was actually his son and he was serious about it.
(21 September 2019)

He claims he is from the hard part of Philly, but he went to a school an hour outside of Philly.
(21 September 2019)

But he tells a lot of lies about where he is from and where he grew up.
(21 September 2019)

I am very close with my college roommate, and he is like a brother to me.
(21 September 2019)

How do I make my gf feel better?
(21 September 2019)