Tuesday 6 August 2019

Get over yourself

Ok. This needs to be said.I am a large guy.Have a bit of a belly.With that being said I am a world class athlete.Always have been.It blows my mind to see people on here judging others over their body_ Nicholle:I told him i didnt want to mess around anymore.(30 July 2019) Nicholle:Now im learning from my mistakes [...]

Do you agree with having a child do pushups as a form of discipline?
(4 August 2019)

Also I was using my experience as an example.
(4 August 2019)

So do you with using pushups as a form of discipline?
(4 August 2019)

I also think this is much better then the methods people use nowadays like breaking a child's toys for example.
(4 August 2019)

My reasoning is because for one pushups are a form of exercise which is actually good for their health and it's a good way for them to relieve stress.
(4 August 2019)

As for the question yes I agree with having a child do pushups as a form of discipline.
(4 August 2019)

My dad did this with me when I was little before putting me in timeout whenever I threw a tantrum.
(4 August 2019)

Is it lust or love I feel or both.
(4 August 2019)

The SJWs are taking over Yahoo answers and accusing us of being trolls and reporting our posts, what should I do?
(4 August 2019)

They are accusing us of being trolls, troll spammers and stalker troll spammer.
(4 August 2019)

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