Friday 2 August 2019

Finally arrived !

Capelin are in !_ Lorena:I am very self conscious especially with my body considering I am a size 12 and I am bit chubby.(1 August 2019) Lorena:My boyfriend is complaining that I dont take off my bra or wearing anything sexy during sex.(1 August 2019) Kasi:Why do some people think they should stop being parents at 18?(1 August [...]

And this store is a couple blocks from my home and my car was at the shop, so I walked there, which means they wouldn't have had my license plate on camera.
(30 July 2019)

Yesterday I was at the grocery store.
(30 July 2019)

Which name makes you think of a nerd?
(30 July 2019)

What should I text him without being awkward?
(30 July 2019)

What else should I text him that won't be awkward?
(30 July 2019)

I assume he still has plans to do that.
(30 July 2019)

The last thing he texted me was that he's planning to move to another state to finish college...would that be awkward to ask him if he still plans to move to another state when he told me that a month ago?
(30 July 2019)

HIM: yep ME: ok, good to hear. ....Then go another month or so without hearing from him.
(30 July 2019)

I want to text him and ask if everything is ok, but the following would be awkward: ME: hey is everything ok?
(30 July 2019)

I know for a fact he isn't seeing anyone.
(30 July 2019)

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