Monday 19 November 2018

Winners and Losers

I’ve sure been up and down in my life. Maybe not quite as much as a drilling rig or the NASDAQ, but I’ve seen the world from up high and down low.Fortune and destiny have mountains and valleys_ Verline:We are definitely becoming closer friends every day.(15 November 2018) Verline:We walk out together most nights, and sometimes hang [...]

And what is really scaring me is that since the incident he has been involved in a lot of dangerous activities like fight clubs, Running of the Bulls, and riding motorcycles.
(18 November 2018)

He used to be the nicest guy ever and he still is to me but every guy he comes into contact with he is extremely aggressive and does what he can to prove he is the dominant man.
(18 November 2018)

We were at the mall and someone mistook him as a woman and ever since then he has developed this intolerable toxic masculinity.
(18 November 2018)

I have been dating him for about a year and he used to be the best guy I could ask for but all that changed 2 months ago.
(18 November 2018)

My computer fan is strangely acting?
(18 November 2018)

I was trying to move on at that time but she always did something to come close to me again.
(17 November 2018)

She stared at me the whole class period.
(17 November 2018)

Why do I have bad luck While she had a bf, she always showed interest in me and try to get my attention all the time.
(17 November 2018)

I didn't know it bothered her until after it had all piled up and she broke down and told me how badly it made her feel.
(18 November 2018)

How do i apologize?
(18 November 2018)

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