Saturday 24 November 2018

Jack Shadow # 2 ♥ Annie ♥

Bonjour à toutes Bonjour à tousBonjour à nous Bonjour aux autresMon éditeur m’a donné l’autorisation de publier la suite alors profitez en bienParti #1 Jack Shadow # 1 ♥ Annie ♥[image_ Lakiesha:How can a man have repeatedly have sex with a girl even though he says that he does not like her?(21 November 2018) Matthew:If a girl [...]

Dad should be out of the hospital by next week.
(23 November 2018)

After my dad and my uncle tipped a few, then started arguing over which team was better, I knew it was go time.
(23 November 2018)

Does this guy like me or am I overthinking it?
(23 November 2018)

Wife's buying all sorts of stuff from amazon hahahahahahahahaha?
(23 November 2018)

If a guy always talks to a girl, does it mean he likes her?
(23 November 2018)

How can I find a redhead girlfriend?
(23 November 2018)

I've always wanted a redhead girlfriend.
(23 November 2018)

Said like 7 words and walked off.
(23 November 2018)

At school i was waiting for a ride and she talked to me.
(23 November 2018)

Instant sexual mutual attraction at third sight? Do you think it can happen?
(23 November 2018)

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