Friday 5 October 2018

Time for a political party change

With the election coming up in a matter of weeks, this country needs to change it’s course of direction. I voted for President Obama twice but to be honest, we can’t afford another four years of the s_ Timothy:Let me update this to add… this man has put me on anxiety medicine because of the stress [...]

But my problem is that she's dated other people in between, and denied that she likes anyone or wants to date anyone when she's single.
(3 October 2018)

We've basically had this unspoken love.
(3 October 2018)

So i'm a girl, and I am lesbian.
(3 October 2018)

Do men take younger women on vacation expecting sex in return or because they like a woman's company?
(3 October 2018)

Why would a man do all of that for a girl he's known for such a short time?
(3 October 2018)

Is this likely true love and he admires her so much that he wants to go out of his way to spoil and impress her?
(3 October 2018)

From June through this current month (september 2018) he has taken her on 3 more all expenses paid weekend trips to state parks, museums, stayed at a cabin one weekend and cooked her a $150 meal.
(3 October 2018)

By the 1st week of June she was in love with the 40 year old and on vacation.
(3 October 2018)

She had a boyfriend in February and stopped talking to him at the end of March.
(3 October 2018)

He pays for round trip first class airfare, expensive meals and drinks, an impressive rental car, nice air bnb's and pricey hotels.
(3 October 2018)

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