Sunday 11 March 2018

tell us truthfully ladies #2

Which kind of man turns you on most ladies_ Leslee:Does it seem like this guy got a girlfriend while talking to me?(4 March 2018) Leslee:Am I over thinking this or do I trust my instincts?(4 March 2018) Leslee:I just feel like a fool if I’m out here thinking about him while he’s out with a girl.(4 March 2018) Leslee:He [...]

Should I bother for my depressed friend who doesn't want to travel?
(7 March 2018)

And do I have a responsibility to help her?
(7 March 2018)

I know I'm being really selfish, but I wouldn't want to bother just to have her rant about her life and things I don't understand (read: romantic relationships). Is this feeling something that I can overcome?
(7 March 2018)

Now I know that depression is a serious matter, but I'm getting a feeling that I'm going to have to pay and travel to meet someone who only contacts me when she's feeling bad, and otherwise we could continue to live in our own bubbles.
(7 March 2018)

And she doesn't want to go anywhere, even though technically it would be easier for her to come to me.
(7 March 2018)

The answer is yes, but the problem is that we are both university students with limited amount of money and the travelling costs.
(7 March 2018)

That didn't sound so nice and I asked her whether she wanted to meet.
(7 March 2018)

This week however, she sent me a text that she divorced from her boyfriend and was diagnosed with mild depression.
(7 March 2018)

We haven't contacted each other for several months now, and I started to think that we have our separate lives now, and I was okay with that.
(7 March 2018)

She is nice I think, but there's only so much of her company I can take before I need a break.
(7 March 2018)

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