Wednesday 28 March 2018

Silly ‘Games’….. Who’s at Fault Here?

So an ‘alleged’ member from the site sent me an e-mail, and I immediately noticed that they were an ‘Ambassador’ of/to the site. I sent back a polite e-mail as you can read for yoursel_ Whitley:I do most of my own cooking, and I’m certainly not the Food Network’s next big star, but I have some [...]

I thought she was someone I could talk to about anything and just hang out with whenever.
(24 March 2018)

In the past few months, my best friend and I grew pretty close.
(24 March 2018)

Is it ok if I'm single for the rest of my life?
(24 March 2018)

Help why am I breaking out all of the sudden?
(24 March 2018)

Could it be stress or hormone related?
(24 March 2018)

I haven't changed face wash, makeup brands, etc.
(24 March 2018)

I have never had acne before and now all of the sudden, I am breaking out everywhere.
(24 March 2018)

Girlfriend broke up with me. We go to the same class. What am I supposed to do? This is like the 4th time breaking up?
(24 March 2018)

Blocked my messages everywhere, told me not to talk in school with her, didn't tell me to remove our pictures from instagram, but she removed from her profile.
(24 March 2018)

Is marriage really necessary, i know that the Bible thumpers will swear that you will burn in HELL...but can't you be just as happy living?
(24 March 2018)

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