Tuesday 2 January 2018

He Comes To Me

He Comes To Me…He come to me in the night.His warm body next to mine. Hands, Mouth, Tongue claiming mine.He tells me I will be his, he is before me to claim me.His tongue claiming me. His hands mold_ Page:Will defax or something take away her child?(2 January 2018) Page:I know all of you people think you [...]

I was a freshman and he's a senior.
(30 December 2017)

He saw untapped potential in me and has an obsession with having more women obtain STEM degrees and kinda just took me under his wing as a student.
(30 December 2017)

He was a bit cold to my approaches at first but overtime warmed up.
(30 December 2017)

He's my first college friend, actually, albeit in an awkward way.
(30 December 2017)

How do I get my mother to tell me where she goes?
(30 December 2017)

How should I explain this to her so that she understands, but also in a way that's not embarrassing?
(30 December 2017)

I want to know where she is, when I should be expecting her and if she's safe.
(30 December 2017)

Even still, I think that as her daughter there still lies the same reason why a daughter should tell their mother where she's going, which is that I worry about her.
(30 December 2017)

I asked her why she doesn't tell me and she says I'm not her mother.
(30 December 2017)

My mother never tells me where she's going or is anymore, and it makes me worry when she shows up late at night or doesn't show up at all.
(30 December 2017)

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