Tuesday 12 December 2017

Period Sex

So how do you feel about period sex? Are you game or are you waiting until it’s cleared up? Will you skip oral during period sex or are there no barriers? Would you hold off on first meets or ju_ Jade:She threw a pillow at me while I was on my laptop ordering pizza last night [...]

My friend died in Iraq 12 days ago and I feel kinda guilty. Any advice?
(9 December 2017)

God it's so weird to think he's not coming back.
(9 December 2017)

My point is that I feel kinda guilty about not telling him and I also feel kinda guilty that while I was having fun he was giving his life so that we can all live free.
(9 December 2017)

Before he left we all gathered him and I wanted to tell him I loved him but since I was kinda ashamed to tell it in front of everyone else I didn't.
(9 December 2017)

I graduated high school last year and after graduation my friend decided he wanted to serve America and become a soldier.
(9 December 2017)

I had so much fun and basically half of my graduating class was there.
(9 December 2017)

That same day,not knowing yet about him obviously I went to my friend Sarah's birthday party.
(9 December 2017)

My friend died 12 days ago in Iraq.
(9 December 2017)

My bf asked me for a pic what should i do?
(9 December 2017)

I dont want to show him that part bc im really insecure about them Idk what i felt in that moment i kinda just panicked and said maybe..what should i do?
(9 December 2017)

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