Thursday 14 December 2017

Mood killing fails

Everyone wants to believe that they don’t have any issues when it comes to getting personal with someone else. Reality doesn’t play that way and sometimes things go horribly wrong and sometim_ Jacqulyn:I think I’m falling for an unattractive guy and I need help?(11 December 2017) Jacqulyn:I feel horrible about this, I’m usually not like this at [...]

Like supposedly when Marilyn Monroe had it it was a beauty mark.
(11 December 2017)

I've got one on my bottom left cheek it's very small so Idgaf but my crush asked if it was real I was like nah she was like nah it's real.
(11 December 2017)

Why did she approach this way and ask what she asked?
(11 December 2017)

Like are they a worthwhile safeguard or a waste of water?
(11 December 2017)

What's your opinion on safety flushes?
(11 December 2017)

That's where you flush immediately after pooping and flush the TP in a separate flush because you're worried about clogging if you flush them all together.
(11 December 2017)

My girlfriend and sister always gang up on me?
(11 December 2017)

They're supposed to be the two people who care about me the most but they're ganging up on me, what should I do?
(11 December 2017)

This is really bugging me because if I get in a fight with one it's a fight with both and it's not fair it's just immature.
(11 December 2017)

Now my girlfriend is telling me I didn't have to yell and today I tried to kiss her and she was like I'm not gonna kiss someone who yells at their sister.
(11 December 2017)

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