Wednesday 6 September 2017

Fun with Words

Lola at Night Late in a warm summer night, stars in the atmosphere shimmer against the dark sky; we gaze to the heaves with the moon as the only source of light. I hold your angelic body in the coo_ Lolita:I want to get a knife collection but my mom says no haven’t asked my dad [...]

I noticed he even tries to hide from me but when he is around his friends he doesn't and I can tell when they are together they are talking about me.
(4 September 2017)

Sometimes I catch him staring at me.. He isn't known for being quiet or shy either.
(4 September 2017)

There's this boy I go to school with and he is known as cool and goofy one and he is always playing around with a lot of girls.But everytime I walk by him he gets all shy or pretends he is on his phone.
(4 September 2017)

What do shy people wear?
(4 September 2017)

I am playing a shy person in a play, and I was just wondering what they usually wear to play the part?
(4 September 2017)

What do girls think about guys that own tarantulas and other arachnids?
(4 September 2017)

He won't ask me out because of his last relationship what do I do?
(4 September 2017)

So I'm talking to this guy and we act like we are boyfriend and girlfriend.
(4 September 2017)

How do I tell her I'm in love with her?
(4 September 2017)

Tips for my new school?
(4 September 2017)

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