Friday 11 August 2017

Dance With Me

What to do, what to do….?Ever get that feeling when you have lots you could do, but don’t know where to start?So you do nothing?That’s me lolLife continues…same as usual Saw Johnny Reid last nigh_ Shanna:When she does this, it eats away at me.(9 August 2017) Shanna:It comes in like phases, sometimes her (Not trying phase as [...]

I'm 21, no job,no place and my mom pays all my bills.
(8 August 2017)

If I put gorilla glue on drivers license as soon as I am pulled over, can I call 911 on the cop who pulled me over for stealing my ID?
(8 August 2017)

Confused with guy behavior?
(8 August 2017)

I just feel mixed signals over text but not when we are face to face.
(8 August 2017)

I'm the type that is straight forward and if u don't like me it's fine, not everyone will click and we will go our separate ways, no arguing.
(8 August 2017)

He turns into this person that has no feelings, doesn't really care, doesn't miss me (no not asking and being all girly). I know guys aren't all that sensitive but why is it different when we are together?
(8 August 2017)

He is sweet in person but when we message he acts like this tough guy.
(8 August 2017)

We text every day and he asked if we could hang out tomorrow.
(8 August 2017)

So I met this guy awhile ago, we finally decided to spend Friday together and he asked me if I wanted to see him Saturday so I did.
(8 August 2017)

DM a boy I don't know?!?
(8 August 2017)

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