Friday 5 May 2017

I’ll be in the USA 21-Jan-2016 for 5 weeks - any takers?

Hello peeps, … I befriended a woman on PoF and obtained permission to come see her, bought the return ticket, obtained the ESTA / Visa … then, … it all went pear shaped Soooh, now I have pre-boo_ Takisha:How can i tell if this guys likes me?(5 May 2017) Takisha:Also ive been taking him to his house [...]

How to help my wife when she's sick?
(5 May 2017)

She had a little fever last night she seems to be doing better today but she's still chilly and coughing a lot.
(5 May 2017)

She had a bad headache last night she took some pills for it.
(5 May 2017)

Yesterday she felt chilly even though it was warm inside.
(5 May 2017)

Really confident and opinionated.
(5 May 2017)

Fifth- Girl, short black hair and blue eyes.
(5 May 2017)

Loyal to his friends and willing to take risks.
(5 May 2017)

Fourth- Boy, dirty blond hair, gray eyes and tall.
(5 May 2017)

Best friend with the second character and secretly has a crush on her.
(5 May 2017)

Doesn't like to be serious and very smart.
(5 May 2017)

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