Wednesday 1 March 2017

Joyous holiday

Hope everyone had a good holiday. We survived five houses, lots of kids, family, and good food. Our elf even had fun with Micky and Minnie. So romantic_ Verena:I am going to change your mind about this relationship and show t you that our relationship would work.(28 February 2017) Verena:He told me this relationship would work you [...]

Why does my mom make me feel worthless?
(28 February 2017)

So I'm 15 and a for a school dance it's girls choice and my friend is going to ask me, my parents are strictly LDS and won't let me go?
(28 February 2017)

There is no way I'm gonna say no cause I would hurt her feelings and she is a good friend, my parents say I'm not 16 yet and the lord doesn't want me to date till I'm 16, I'm not Mormon and I'm looking forward to going to this dance what do I do?
(28 February 2017)

Is fake friend?
(28 February 2017)

Why do family and friends treat you differently after you loss you newborn baby?
(28 February 2017)

I understand no one knows what to say but I mean staying away from me is better?
(28 February 2017)

My baby passed away a few months ago and now that my sister is expecting, it seems like she standoffish towards me.
(28 February 2017)

I feel like I got some type of contagious diesease.
(28 February 2017)

Seem like when my second baby passed away , family and so called friends just acted funny towards me.
(28 February 2017)

Should i try to talk to her again and how or should i just forget about her?
(28 February 2017)

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