Wednesday 22 February 2017

No matter what

…the climate is like, don’t forget to drink lots of water. Hydrating your body flushes toxins from your organs and carries nutrients to your cells. It provides a moist environments for your ears_ Carissa:All the years he has been here he has never even talked about moving back, if anything it seemed the opposite, that he [...]

I searched his name and found his old MySpace from when he was - at least I m assuming - in high school or having recently graduated.
(22 February 2017)

A lot of girls were sending it around, considering nobody knew what he was capable of and wanted all to be aware.
(22 February 2017)

Recently, a few girls found an article that is currently four years old, on his arrest for desertion of the military and a criminal sex act in the 2nd degree from over 10 years ago.
(22 February 2017)

He was in the army and has gone through numerous jobs.
(22 February 2017)

A guy that I work with claims to stay out of drama, but too many people have a problem with him.
(22 February 2017)

Should I text her first... AGAIN!!?
(22 February 2017)

Should i text her first again today since i didn't see her today?
(22 February 2017)

What month would you want to get married on and why?
(22 February 2017)

There are popular months for weddings but it seems that things are changing and any month is a good one.
(22 February 2017)

What should I do? I like my gay friend?
(22 February 2017)

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