Saturday 31 December 2016


I have a hater, must me doing something right // Freda:Hes got a kid and ik he needs the money, but im so used to being able to talk alot.(10 December 2016) Carisa:Is hugging guys haram?(10 December 2016) Carisa:It probably is haram for me to hug guys my age and older but i just wanted to confirm.(10 December [...]

What can I say to her to make her change her mind?
(30 December 2016)

I was so sad that when I took my Math midterm I basically failed it because I couldn't get her off my mind or stop crying.
(30 December 2016)

What can I say that will make her understand that will make her understand and give it a chance.
(30 December 2016)

I tried to explain that nothing would ruin our fruendship and that if I thought anything would I wouldn't do it because nothing means more to me than our friendship.
(30 December 2016)

She didn't even give me a chance.
(30 December 2016)

The next day she texted me after school and told me she wanted to brake up because she didn't want to hurt me and she didn't want to ruin our friendship.
(30 December 2016)

But little did I know that it would be short lived.
(30 December 2016)

Well not to long ago I had went to her Christmas band preformence and when I was there I asked her out and she said yes.
(30 December 2016)

I don't get to see her much but when I do it's some of the happiest times in my life.
(30 December 2016)

Well I cough feelings for her and I fell in love.
(30 December 2016)

Enlightened MAN

It would be nice to find a woman who is into a man based upon his qualities as a man and not the materials he posses or judging him by the color of his skin. Prejudice knows no reason, ignorance is an action, and color does not dictate happiness. I am good looking, attractive, proud, [...]

I wanna stay in touch with my aunt?
(30 December 2016)

I'm not sure if she likes me, it's a hard situation.. I need advice?
(30 December 2016)

My friend asked her if she liked me and she said no but I'm not sure because they really don't know each other.
(30 December 2016)

At night however it really seems she likes me, she always says she loves me and that she's my boo, (I call her boo a lot). Also she facetimes me quite frequently and we have a red heart on snapchat.
(30 December 2016)

She said she wasn't sure how she felt and that we should stay friends and wait to see what happens, I agreed.
(30 December 2016)

A week passed then I kind of liked her again and she was flirting with me at night so I told her I liked her.
(30 December 2016)

We met through mutual friends, started dating then after we hung out a few times I wasn't sure how I felt so I told her we should stay friends.
(30 December 2016)

A girl my house mate slept with likes me?
(30 December 2016)

I'm kind of surprised she likes me since he's an athelete and well liked by a lot of girls, I am too but to a lesser extent.
(30 December 2016)

He knew her before but hasn't been with her since.
(30 December 2016)

Man seeking a woman

I’m a Dominate Man looking for a submissive woman for a LTR. If you’re interested, message me with a Pic and I’ll tell you what will be required. Please, no games, I’ll be asking for proof you are real. // Merna:We dont know the sex yet but she does know she wants the [...]

People get outraged when they read about it in the news, but why?
(30 December 2016)

I care if someone kills another person's babies, but if they kill their own, I feel like.. who cares?
(30 December 2016)

Should I be worried about the 13yr old that wants to play with my 8 yr old nephew?
(30 December 2016)

I am at the point where I want to contact social services about this kid.
(30 December 2016)

He knows he is not allowed around the property anymore due to a previous incident but keeps trying to come in.
(30 December 2016)

I let my nephew play with my old xbox360 and the other 7 year old that the kid hangs out with told him.
(30 December 2016)

This kid is in 8th grade and I've only ever seen him around 6-8 yr olds.
(30 December 2016)

What do I make of all this?
(30 December 2016)

I'm not sure what to make of any of it, why did she even start talking to me again when we both knew this would happen and why hasn't she said anything.
(30 December 2016)

It's almost been another week and still nothing.
(30 December 2016)

Goa has tourist spots for people with varied interests

The state saw the arrival of more than 5.3 million tourists in 2015 out of which around ten percent were foreign travelers. If are addicted to gambling then it is the only place in India where you can gamble legally. If however you are a science geek, while chilling in Goa you should consider visiting … Continue reading Goa has tourist spots for people with varied interests

One of my friends is moving across the country and I want to hang out with her one last time before she leaves but I am scared to ask?
(30 December 2016)

Why does he watch me walk away?
(30 December 2016)

For instance, a short time ago we were with a group of friends, and I had to leave first to go home, as I left, I saw him watch me until he couldn't see me anymore.
(30 December 2016)

I'm friends with this guy but for a while now, I've noticed that he always seems to watch me when I leave an event or group activity.
(30 December 2016)

Girl is pregant doesnt know from who?
(30 December 2016)

But i feel like am doing him a favor some how because he doesnt want to pay anything but doesnt want to keep it neither.i have the money what should i do?
(30 December 2016)

My ex i pregnant but she hooked up with another guy after we broke up so she doesnt know who it is but she is asking me to pay for abortion.
(30 December 2016)

I have feelings for my ex boyfriend's friend?
(30 December 2016)

I feel like i found my soulmate...
(30 December 2016)

Its been 4 years now since i broke up with him due to him being unfaithful and dishonest numerous times.
(30 December 2016)

You have my attention…….But can you keep it?

Scottsdale, Arizona // Angeline:Should I forgive my best friend for ditching me? (details in description)?(10 December 2016) Angeline:Not planning on forgiving her again because I know she’s gonna apologize when she wakes up.(10 December 2016) Angeline:Night came and she texted me saying she wasn’t gonna go to my house because she had a sleepover with [...]

If he gets a text saying they are having an extra practice while we re together, he will just drop me and go to the practice.
(30 December 2016)

He is the drummer of a band and I m very proud of him and I get along with all the band members, I even go to all of their gigs to support them..but he chooses his music over me.
(30 December 2016)

My boyfriend and I have been together for a while now, everything is amazing and we love each other very, very much.
(30 December 2016)

I wish I could get proposed to on NYE.
(30 December 2016)

They all got pregnant within 4 months of dating.
(30 December 2016)

I am a 22 yr old woman who is a virgin and I want to get a good guy like most of my former bullies from high school did.
(30 December 2016)

What's it cost to be foster parents?
(30 December 2016)

Like, what are the fees and things like that?
(30 December 2016)

I mean literally, not the emotional things.
(30 December 2016)

Would you take a child with cancer away camping?
(30 December 2016)

Breaking News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There will not be a Christmas celebration in D.C. this year….Apparently they couldn’t find 3 wise men. // Ligia:However I also don t really want her to know that I m having suspicions of her liking me.(9 December 2016) Ligia:For some reason, I don t have her on snapchat, and I kind of want to add her.(9 [...]

I end up doing something on the 5th day , and when I woke up the 6th day I saw a thick blood, similar to mucus.
(30 December 2016)

It lasted for four days . On the fourth day I took a pregnancy test but it said negative.
(30 December 2016)

It was so light i wore a panty liner.
(30 December 2016)

Quick Question For the month of December I spotted during my period.
(30 December 2016)

Can this get a woman pregnant?
(30 December 2016)

Can you get someone pregnant by precuming in your clothes (getting your clothes wet) and sitting somewhere than later some woman sits their?
(30 December 2016)

I heard my sister talking but she swears she didnt say anything?
(30 December 2016)

What do you think it was, it sounded too loud and real for me to have imagined it.
(30 December 2016)

And when i asked her what she said she looked at me and told me she hadn't said anything. but i know for a fact that i heard her voice.
(30 December 2016)

Me and my sister were the only two in our room, both doing our own thing minding our business, and she started saying something.
(30 December 2016)

Want to grab a drink?

Looking for a cute girl to connect with.. We can go to a bar or a club, I love to dance and I am pretty good at it. I am a college graduate, have a job, and have a car. I can scoop you and drop you off. I am Indian, very fit and good [...]

But I just want to know why he's always worried about me.
(30 December 2016)

He has a crush on another girl from another department.
(30 December 2016)

We're good friends, except he's always worried about me.
(30 December 2016)

Because he's shy, I like making him feel flustered.
(30 December 2016)

I told him I may seem like it, but I don't need his charity.
(30 December 2016)

He stuttered and tried to explain that I seemed cold.
(30 December 2016)

He took off his jacket and offered it to me to wear.
(30 December 2016)

We were walking back to our workplace, and he noticed I was shivering.
(30 December 2016)

I'll shout at him that I'm fine.
(30 December 2016)

If he sees me carrying something heavy, he'll ask or even try to take that object from me.
(30 December 2016)

Look on the small label and you will see a type code

To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. They are often made for several brands so the manufacturer is often not plastered all over. Murray should be readily available. Pull out a breaker and take it into a store or supply house and see if you can … Continue reading "Look on the small label and you will see a type code"

I want to meet a good man just like my former bullies from high school did and I will even drop down to a size 0 to do so.
(30 December 2016)

I am a 22 yr old woman who is a virgin and I am a nice girl.
(30 December 2016)

At what point in life do you have the most responsibilities?
(30 December 2016)

Have to pee when sneeze?
(30 December 2016)

Whenever my 4 year old daughter has her dolls fake sneeze, it makes me have to pee, why is this?
(30 December 2016)

Looking for a 3rd Boy name?
(30 December 2016)

What does it mean when a guy says you're a quick f.u.c.k.?
(30 December 2016)

He really hurt my feelings if that means what I think it does.
(30 December 2016)

He was like go ahead, that's all he is into anyways, quick f.u.c.k.s like yourself.
(30 December 2016)

I was trying to make this guy jealous and angry so I told him that I was going to talk to his cousin on messenger.
(30 December 2016)

Looking for marriage minded virgin 18-25

Hello, I know these expectations are hard to find these days, but I am seeing if there are any single virgin women between the ages of 18-25 serious about marriage with a committed, devoted, and caring man. I am in my late twenties, employed, athletic, very religious and looking for somebody special. I am open [...]

Am I wrong about being a priority to ex?
(30 December 2016)

Is this exit stage left time, or do I try to get us into counseling?
(30 December 2016)

He told me never to make him choose between something and his kids because he will always choose his kids.
(30 December 2016)

When discussing this recently, he angrily said something so hurtful I feel I must make a choice.
(30 December 2016)

Because the ex will be there (my partner doesn t know if she will or will not be there but most likely will), I refuse to go.
(30 December 2016)

There is a New Years party again this year at one of the grown children s house.
(30 December 2016)

His children are in their 30 s and I have been so loving, gracious, and giving but feel like I continue to feel like the outsider.
(30 December 2016)

His ex wife was included, and honestly, he and I get along ok, but I don t want to spend EVERY holiday with her.
(30 December 2016)

Last year, I made an exception to spend Christmas and New Years with his family over mine due to a close death in the family.
(30 December 2016)

He tells me I am his wife, even though we aren t married and never will, but he sends me mixed signals.
(30 December 2016)

Helping fwb

Normal, fun, laid back white male interested in helping an attractive white female. A fwb type relationship, with a me helping you with what you really need, whatever that might be. Looking to actually hang out and have fun. No drama. Interested in only one person, ongoing if both interested. // Leisa:However, he [...]

He's 22, going to be 23 in April and still lives in his moms basement.
(30 December 2016)

My boyfriend is the general manager at a Verizon wireless where we live.
(30 December 2016)

What are signs a married woman wants you to have sex with another woman. Will she want pitty?
(30 December 2016)

HELP! Bad breath even from nose?
(30 December 2016)

P.s i tried to tell him b4 but i did it terribly, he got defensive so i backed out and lied.
(30 December 2016)

And how do I mention this without making him feel terrible?
(30 December 2016)

I think he has something, what could it be?
(30 December 2016)

Even when his mouth is closed i can still smell it from his nose.
(30 December 2016)

But his breath is extremely bad.. & i dont think he notices.
(30 December 2016)

My husband is very clean, showers even more than me, dresses very nice.
(30 December 2016)

Thus what to do to focus on creation instead of administration

The essences of our meetings are: knowledge, new friends, business contacts and projects. We we will be pleased to meet you. About pivot and a nationwide startup campaign. For 7 years already associated with the startup market and technology industry. Conducted hundreds of hours of training and consulting to students, graduate students and young entrepreneurs._ … Continue reading "Thus what to do to focus on creation instead of administration"

Hi : I m relationship from 5 months and its long distance relationship.
(30 December 2016)

Feel bad for not inviting best friend's boyfriend to a small get-together?
(30 December 2016)

My girlfriend has no father? How will it work on wedding day?
(30 December 2016)

They've been living together ever since with her mother's parents.
(30 December 2016)

Her mother was gang raped and became pregnant with a child, my girlfriend.
(30 December 2016)

Is it right way ask my girlfriend dad's?
(30 December 2016)

Is Marriage outdated in the West and even Globally after 1945?
(30 December 2016)

Concubines seem more preferred now.
(30 December 2016)

She said yes to come over to my house to study alone, what does this mean?
(30 December 2016)

What are the chances she likes me?
(30 December 2016)

Bruce Springsteen and Diana Ross were recognized for their music

In the film world, Obama honored Tom Hanks, Robert De Niro, Robert Redford and Cicely Tyson. Michael Jordan and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, two of the greatest basketball players ever, were also among the honorees. Obama noted how Jordan’s name is synonymous with excellence._ Natalie:However, I made the adult decision and broke up with her because she … Continue reading Bruce Springsteen and Diana Ross were recognized for their music

They did but, she started dating someone else (who was my friend). I was really upset about this.
(30 December 2016)

I lost her in 9th grade and she started dating someone else.
(30 December 2016)

The thing is, I was too afraid to say anything.
(30 December 2016)

I thought about her night and day.
(30 December 2016)

She was passionate about me for the rest of middle school and a little into high school.
(30 December 2016)

I didn't have a girlfriend but, I was starting to have a crush on her.
(30 December 2016)

She asked if I had a girlfriend and confessed her feelings for me.
(30 December 2016)

At the end of the trip, she pulled me aside to ask me something.
(30 December 2016)

We spent the day together and had a great time.
(30 December 2016)

Because of this, we got to know each other very well.
(30 December 2016)

My purse is my life.

When I was younger, a lot younger, I used to run around and say hope was the heaviest thing anyone would ever carry in life. Little did I know, I would redefine hope a few years later when I started t // Corina:I was thinking of Ruis Verratti, but still decided to ask.(9 December 2016) Verdie:My husband [...]

To me it looks like he lost weight (he says if anything he's gained) and he goes to the bathroom a lot more than he normally does.
(30 December 2016)

He says he's fine and that when he overly stresses it causes the body to change.
(30 December 2016)

My dad the last few days has seemed different to me.
(30 December 2016)

Pencil stuck in boyfriend???? HELP???
(30 December 2016)

I put it back in because i thot it would be dry so now it's stuck because his butt is closed tight.
(30 December 2016)

I put one in his butt and i pulled it out and it was wet.
(30 December 2016)

My boyfriend and i were playing with pencils and i put five in my vagana and i got them out.
(30 December 2016)

I need a nickname for my girlfreind, I m not creative at all and she gave me a nickname, please help?
(30 December 2016)

Why does becoming skinny all of a sudden attract girls?
(30 December 2016)

Wtf Did I do wrong?
(30 December 2016)

Females Sometimes You Can Live with Them And Other Times WELL…..

[image]You just CAN’T understand what language they are speaking when it come to communicating with them:> // Jaquelyn:So when we bumped into him at a store, my boyfriend got excited and said hi introducing me to him, but he didnt seem thrilled at all for me to be around him for some reason and I was [...]

Why are beautiful girls so stupid?
(30 December 2016)

Exactly, and they start to date a complete loser who is not better than me and become the laughing stock of the world.
(30 December 2016)

Why does he do this on snapchat?
(30 December 2016)

Also, some days we will snapchat every second and he will sound so interested in me then other times it's like I'm invisible.
(30 December 2016)

He acts like he likes me but with him doing this, I don't know.
(30 December 2016)

My ex called me and confessed his love for me, begging for me back, but he is still active on dating websites?
(30 December 2016)

Do you think it's acceptable to be on dating websites when you are trying to get your ex back?
(30 December 2016)

How does it make sense that he said he would do anything to get me back, yet hes still looking.
(30 December 2016)

He does not know that I know this.
(30 December 2016)

He also responds to messages from girls.
(30 December 2016)

You never know

27 y/o attractive SWF looking for a well educated professionally successful SWM for potential LTR. No drama, no kids, ddf, 30-40 ish? preferred. Exchange a few emails before we meet? Your pic gets mine, see ya soon. // Takisha:So, what do you want from a man to have a relationship?(9 December 2016) Takisha:Anything beyond [...]

So I know where to find a person to hit my spot but would that be right?
(29 December 2016)

I say all of this to say in at 22, I work in an environment where I am constantly being hit on and asked out even with a ring on my finger.
(29 December 2016)

I've even tried to spice things up by buying vibrating rings but he orgasms so quick it seems like he doesn't care what I feel just as long as he gets off.
(29 December 2016)

I made a vow but I'm really just unhappy.
(29 December 2016)

I've even considered asking for an open marriage but I know he wouldn't allow that.
(29 December 2016)

It just ends and I feel used and I start to think the worst and that's to step out just get my feet wet and come back home.
(29 December 2016)

EVERYTIME I find myself EXTREMELY unsatisfied.
(29 December 2016)

Sex everyday until I got pregnant or at least came.
(29 December 2016)

So after going months without I was expecting fireworks, ya know?
(29 December 2016)

We were celibate before marriage not virgins but celibate.
(29 December 2016)

The film is about a small town guy who comes to Kolkata with big dreams

Present at the premiere was June Maliah, Sayani Datta, Shaheb Bhattacharjee, director Rajib Chowdhury and others. He faces much difficulties and hurdles. Whether he will be able to overcome them and gain success in his life is what life is all about. The music is by Subhayu and the lyrics are by Rabindranath Tagore and … Continue reading "The film is about a small town guy who comes to Kolkata with big dreams"

I think he should of kept his mouth shut but his mom proceeded to hit him and his dad didnt stop it just watched.
(29 December 2016)

Anyways, he basically told me what he told his mom saying that everyone tells her to sit and relax that they will do the work but he also mentioned that she always complains that they do it wrong and yell about it.
(29 December 2016)

But anyways, i know when my boyfriend needs to clean because he gets off the phone with me and tells me why.
(29 December 2016)

According to my boyfriend he said his mom was complaining about nobody helping around the house cleaning and that she does everything, which i do not know if thats true as i do not live there.
(29 December 2016)

I'm only 12, and I like girls. Is that weird?
(29 December 2016)

My parents think I'm weird in their heads.
(29 December 2016)

Should I stay with her or not? Read details?
(29 December 2016)

I'm only 12, and people say I look like a goth. What do they mean by that?
(29 December 2016)

Can I masturbate and watch porn when my newborn is in its crib?
(29 December 2016)

My vibrator is in my drawer with the lingerie and I really want to masturbate.
(29 December 2016)

Kiss On the First Date

I’ve been feeling a bit lonely lately and need some excitement. Would love to meet someone fun, beautiful, and down to earth to hang out with. Maybe go out for a drink or a bite to eat and chat a little. Looking for a new friend. Someone that is easy to talk to, understanding, and [...]

I'm on vacation visiting family in Wyoming . Usually, whenever i visit, me and my cousin are like best friends.
(29 December 2016)

How do I stop hating school?
(29 December 2016)

I really wanna enjoy education...
(29 December 2016)

I'm 14 female and I'm super horny?
(29 December 2016)

Why do I get supervhorny all the time?
(29 December 2016)

It mainly happens when I'm around my best friend Litzy, or if I'm in a clothes store or something.
(29 December 2016)

Could anyone tell me why I get super horny?
(29 December 2016)

I guess I am confused about him saying he likes me but is struggling to get to the next level with me and maybe I should have been patient or something..
(29 December 2016)

Answer my question?
(29 December 2016)

What would cause a woman to only dilate to 9 cm?
(29 December 2016)

Are you stressed and in the need of pampering?

I’m a tall pretty good shape professional white male residing in the Morganton area. I’m 6′4 215lbs and very, very clean. If you are lady that needs some stress relief through the power of massage I am your guy. I specialize in upper back, shoulder and feet. I can use oil or lotion prefer oil [...]

While Mary was giving me head she started to moan more louder and eventually she told me that a few days before her and her ex boyfriend ran into each other and ended up having sex.
(29 December 2016)

Since we didn't have a condom Mary said her clothes would have to stay on and we couldn't have sex but after straddling me with her leggings on Mary got off and gave me a b l o w j o b.
(29 December 2016)

So Mary put leggings on and a sweater on before we started to make out.
(29 December 2016)

My mother hates my husband, I am thorn apart what should I do?
(29 December 2016)

I always defend him, then she gets mad.
(29 December 2016)

Then she blames my husband and says that he is being selfish.
(29 December 2016)

When I visit my mom she wants me to stay for more than a few days I tell her I can t I have to make time for my in laws too which I love.
(29 December 2016)

I love them both but this is driving me crazy.
(29 December 2016)

My husband is very good I m happy but she doesn t see it.
(29 December 2016)

Now I just visit by myself with the kids.
(29 December 2016)

Fever for this plant transcending life and many creative ways out there

When it comes to massive death of our house plants, I finally found solution right plants to beautify our room. If you include people who love with cactus but absolutely no time taking care of them, then you do not need to worry. Cactus wallpaper, hangers, wall paintings or table lamp is perfect._ Tawana:What do … Continue reading Fever for this plant transcending life and many creative ways out there

My 8 year old daughter had never showed any emotion in her whole life. Should my husband and I be worried?
(29 December 2016)

Her teacher says she doesn't have any friends or play with the other children in her second-grade class.
(29 December 2016)

I've never seen her laugh, smile, or cry and neither has my husband.
(29 December 2016)

A girl from school is stalking me. What do I do?
(29 December 2016)

People tell me that he will always be a cheting person.
(29 December 2016)

Why do people come after me like wolves and should I stay in hiding for the rest of my life with just my Dad?
(29 December 2016)

My Dad is the only person I am safe with.
(29 December 2016)

I am not in any physical danger but it is the emotional damage humans have done.
(29 December 2016)

Is that the only way to be safe?
(29 December 2016)

Should I just live in the apartment with him the rest of my life and let him go out to shop and I don't ever leave the house again?
(29 December 2016)

Gujarat Technological University provides necessary things like syllabuses for all the colleges

As there are many colleges in state of Gujarat, some colleges affiliated to GTU. The students from other states over the country studying in this university. This university has many experienced staffs for teaching to their students. All the staffs working in university makes their students easily understand their subjects._ Deeann:Anyone likes tall height than … Continue reading "Gujarat Technological University provides necessary things like syllabuses for all the colleges"

How to win him over?
(29 December 2016)

How do I win him over but not rush anything?
(29 December 2016)

We get along extremely well and I could really see this going somewhere.
(29 December 2016)

We've made out before and he's seeing me without clothes but we've never done anything.
(29 December 2016)

I have a friend who a few weeks ago broke up with his girlfriend of four years.
(29 December 2016)

We're can my boyfriend and I run off to get married? He's 16 and I'm 15?
(29 December 2016)

When we start having kids in about 5 years I want to be a housewife.
(29 December 2016)

We've been going out for 6 months and are falling in love more and more daily.
(29 December 2016)

We want to drop out, get married and start working at jobs.
(29 December 2016)

We're tired of our home life and hate school.
(29 December 2016)

The giveaway will run a bit differently this year

Everyone is welcome to join in, whether you are an author, a blogger, or a reader. Rather than asking for prize donations that you have to distribute, I am seeking US$5 donations via PayPal. In return for each donation, you will receive a spot in the giveaway for one of your social media links._ Carol:But if [...]

He's seems like a very nice guy and did everything perfect - the way I like it.
(29 December 2016)

Things went good and he paid for the meal even though I offered.
(29 December 2016)

BTW I'm 16. He used to talk to my everyday, now he doesnt bother to snapchat me probably because he thinks I am only looks without personality.
(29 December 2016)

How to act better around guys?
(29 December 2016)

I just dont like to be vulnerable.
(29 December 2016)

So I just walked out the door and was like bye everyone I have to go.
(29 December 2016)

Then at the end I was just being weird and did not know if I should hug him or not, I dont know what my problem is.
(29 December 2016)

There were a few times where he would try to talk to me alone, but it felt awkward on both our ends.
(29 December 2016)

We hung with our mutual friends all together.
(29 December 2016)

So an example is, I just met this guy and he asked me to hang out yesterday.
(29 December 2016)

where is everyone??

It looks like less and less people are here on Meelp…. I don’t see much people logged in, haven’t met anyone here in a longest time…. Are people going to different site? better site? Are there b // Milda:Should I tell my friend his gf might be cheating?(8 December 2016) Mina:Should every man have sex with a [...]

Sidenote: Please don t tell me to ignore it, this is what I have been trying to do for the past five years.
(29 December 2016)

My friends want me to confront him because they believe it will offer me a sense of closure, but what exactly do you say to someone who you haven t seen for five years?
(29 December 2016)

As a result of having him back in my life again, I am haunted by the names he used to call me and everyone he took away from me.
(29 December 2016)

I am now a sophomore in high school and I see him everywhere I turn.
(29 December 2016)

I found out a year ago that we was accepted to my current high school.
(29 December 2016)

Then, when he left to go to another middle school, I felt like I was rid of him.
(29 December 2016)

In elementary school, I was bullied by this child for almost six years.
(29 December 2016)

My mom went too far?
(29 December 2016)

Am I being dramatic about the type of guys I attract?
(29 December 2016)

I can't do it most of the time and end up asking for help.The next day im laughing about it with my friends.
(29 December 2016)

Older gent seeking young love..

Like it states the title speaks for itself..I’m searching for a serious relationship with a mature woman that has her life together and priorities in order. I’m not seeking and help me type friends with benefits if thats the case please move on. I want someone to grow and have fun together. I want a [...]

Meanwhile were overhere thinking about how to get by buying minimal stuff for our baby.
(29 December 2016)

Now his mom is missing mortgage payments because she s been spending money the wrong way also and my husband is bailing her out as well.
(29 December 2016)

His sister recently had to move and being a single mom, my husband helped her out with money a lot.
(29 December 2016)

We wanted to do minimal holiday gifts but his family went all out.
(29 December 2016)

We ve managed to make it through the holidays without putting much on credit but now the holidays are over and things are getting out of hand... not with our spending with my husband s family s spending.
(29 December 2016)

Expenses are crazy especially since my husband s insurance turned out to be crap and we re paying most out of pocket.
(29 December 2016)

My husband and I are expecting our first baby.
(29 December 2016)

I hit my mother?
(29 December 2016)

I really think it would be best if I just saved and moved out.
(29 December 2016)

She pushed me 3 times before I lost it and gripped her against the wall.
(29 December 2016)

Made some aggressive bump back dribble collisions MyPARK only

Additionally, this patch changes the CPU intelligence so that it can get into offensive sets and run plays faster. The patch also makes a number of tweaks to the MyGM/MyLeague modes, as well as MyPark. Check out the full patch notes below. Fixed an indefinite simulating screen that would occur when your MyPLAYER retired after… Continue reading Made some aggressive bump back dribble collisions MyPARK only

About a month ago I found out my great Uncle's daughter is homeless.
(29 December 2016)

I love this girl but she is taken idk what to do ?
(29 December 2016)

I m 18 a senior in high school . I like this girl that s in 10th.
(29 December 2016)

How do I handle this please?
(29 December 2016)

First new years without my sister, am I overreacting?
(29 December 2016)

I really dont like this group of her friends I feel like theyre a bad influence and I really dont want her to go.
(29 December 2016)

This year however my sisters planned to go away with a group of her friends coming back on the 2nd.
(29 December 2016)

We've always spent every new years as a family.
(29 December 2016)

I'm 24 my younger sister is 21. We both still live at home.
(29 December 2016)

How do I hang out with this guy on New Years?
(29 December 2016)

Friday 30 December 2016

Your thoughts on Saving this site

What do you think can help save this site?Don’t be a poll troll …….. Please vote! // Kazuko:Due to the fact that I would struggle to find one of these women who I really like, I am thinking of continuing to go to strip clubs and escorts throughout my life and stay single.(9 December 2016) Kazuko:I am [...]

So I met this guy the other day and we have been talking a bit.
(29 December 2016)

Not inviting my best friend's boyfriend to a get together?
(29 December 2016)

I don't know if I'm writing this as reassurance for my actions, but I'm just not ready to see him after all the pain he's caused her.
(29 December 2016)

We used to be friends in college when the two of them started dating.
(29 December 2016)

I feel bad for not inviting him but I'm so disappointed with him.
(29 December 2016)

But I told her it's perfectly okay if she wants to spend New Years with him.
(29 December 2016)

She is unhappy in her relationship, and her boyfriend has cheated on her more than once (not physically but who knows). I've seen how it's made her feel and how unhappy she's been, and I don't want to see him because I'll get up not keeping my mouth shut.
(29 December 2016)

I'm having a get together at my house soon and I told my best friend she is more than welcome to come over if she wants to.
(29 December 2016)

Is it common that the oldest child has too many rules and the youngest child gets away with murder?
(29 December 2016)

She might get barked at but there are no rules the oldest there were too many rules.
(29 December 2016)

Sexy Married Italian Guy Seeks Sexy Young Girlfriend

What can I say….I love Younger girls 18-22 year olds…I think they are the sexiest. Well…where do I start…..I’m married bored. Maybe you are as well….so why not get together help each other out….LOL. I’m not looking for drama….not looking to get divorced. Just chill, share some laughs, if the vibe is [...]

Is this appropriate or am to harsh?
(29 December 2016)

My son ran into my truck with his dirt bike He's a beginner on it but I'm still going to punish him even though it was an accident . No iPhone 7 for 6 months No dirt bike for a year No laptop for 6 months.
(29 December 2016)

Looking for my ex husband?
(29 December 2016)

Aunt touches my butt?
(29 December 2016)

It does not bother me at all but I am bored this winter break and will be seeing her again for new years, so any thoughts?
(29 December 2016)

She is always encouraging me and the rest of the male family to get girlfriends and what not.
(29 December 2016)

She is really outgoing and bubbly and I am pretty quite.
(29 December 2016)

I've heard people say that it is sexual but I do not think she is into me in a sexual manner as she is married with kids.
(29 December 2016)

So I am a 17 year old male and I noticed that my aunt touches my butt playfully sometimes.
(29 December 2016)

Has anyone here ever been broken up with and you never found out why?
(29 December 2016)

You do your thing and let other people do theirs

The fact in all of this is that you have to lift heavy for you if you want to improve. So, start working on your mindset as well as your ass-set. These actions have repercussions, despite our best efforts to contain the damage from whatever blast occurred._ Clemencia:I’m 27, he is 29. We were both … Continue reading "You do your thing and let other people do theirs"

I thought I liked him but now I feel really awkward about it and this always happens to me where I like someone and they like me back then I start loosing interest cause i feel awkward.
(29 December 2016)

He recently turned 17 and I'm soon to be 16. He's really sweet and a lot of the signs are there like he always says bye to me and see you next week and smiles a lot when we're talking.
(29 December 2016)

We don't talk too often but when we do we have pretty good conversations.
(29 December 2016)

We work together and ever since day 1 he's always been there to help me.
(29 December 2016)

Help me get my friend to be able to stay with me at a hotel?
(29 December 2016)

How do I ask her if she wants to, and how would we pull this off without making her parents angry or suspicious?
(29 December 2016)

I want to be able to have her stay with me and my family since we'll be at a hotel, for Friday and Saturday and she'd leave Sunday in the late afternoon.
(29 December 2016)

I'm visiting my friend in January and her parents are abusive.
(29 December 2016)

Can someone help me please, I posted this yesterday but only got two answers....details inside?
(29 December 2016)

Was 23yrs and met up with 15year old?
(29 December 2016)

Definitely one of my top five favorite moments on this trip

If I had to make recommendations for anyone going to the Swiss Alps, sailing down Lake Lucerne was a must-see. When we returned, we explored the city a bit. For our time in Cape Town, Jani did a wonderful job with us. She fit in well with the group, and everyone enjoyed getting to know … Continue reading "Definitely one of my top five favorite moments on this trip"

Apart from us enjoying sex with one another, we really don't have much else in common.
(29 December 2016)

Our parents probably never suspect that we're doing it because her and I have rarely said more than a few words to each other before.
(29 December 2016)

Sure enough, we began doing it again whenever we were alone for long periods of time and my parents and hers are none the wiser.
(29 December 2016)

We were separated for a while after Thanksgiving but then our families got together again at a different vacation house for Christmas.
(29 December 2016)

But only while both of our parents were out and left us by ourselves.
(29 December 2016)

I do think she's hot so I was honest with her and we began flirting for a while and eventually started doing it.
(29 December 2016)

I was embarrassed when she approached me later but she pretty much said she liked me seeing her and asked if I liked what I saw.
(29 December 2016)

I was going to the laundry room to do laundry but didn't know she was in there with her shirt off folding clothes.
(29 December 2016)

It all started around Thanksgiving when our families rented a beach house for the holiday.
(29 December 2016)

I've recently started seeing with this girl I've known for a while who's the same age as me (18) because her parents are close friends with my parents have been spending the holidays together and we've been basically having an affair behind their backs.
(29 December 2016)

Malians like you had always said you were in favor of the democratic process

Like many around me, I have struggled to come to terms with this new reality. I simply assumed people would hold out for improvements following the next elections. A lot of other Malians felt their democracy was a sham, too. A great many of my fellow Americans feel left out by their government and political [...]

It was stressful staying with him also I gave him a lot of money for groceries which his kids mainly ate.
(29 December 2016)

My boyfriend takes up for his behavior, does not discipline his son, and turns on me.
(29 December 2016)

Also his son who is 7 has been rude and acting out at times.
(29 December 2016)

I had not been getting much rest over at his place because of his kids and I wanted to be closer to home in case I needed my friends, my mother to come by and help.
(29 December 2016)

Middle name for baby boy Isaac?
(29 December 2016)

Any suggestions along those lines?
(29 December 2016)

We have also been considering Alexander as a middle name and that would be my choice, but it's my brother's name so we would want to find something that isn't a family member's name ideally.
(29 December 2016)

Stand alone, we both don't favor Elijah though.
(29 December 2016)

It has become a new name we have been rolling around and he really likes the way it sounds next to Isaac.
(29 December 2016)

We are leaning toward Isaac Elijah but neither of us liked the name Elijah before I got pregnant.
(29 December 2016)


Gay, Bi or Straight I Suck another Guy Off Totally NSA. This way he feels NO Pressure to have to return the favor. Because I Really Enjoy Pleasing and Pleasuring another Guy’s Cock and Ball’s so the // Dessie:Main reason is work keeps you active.(8 December 2016) Dessie:The extra money would help, but that’s not the main [...]

My guy friend is a very kind person and a great friend he is there for me when I need him, double texts in conversations etc. however he is very hard to pin down I don't think it's intential at all though.
(29 December 2016)

I just found out my grandfather died, but I don't even feel upset?
(29 December 2016)

In fact, I'm actully kind of annoyed that we have to go to overseas to his burial instead of going on vacation like we planned.
(29 December 2016)

How do I know if my baby is mine?
(29 December 2016)

I'm pregnant but how do I make sure that it's mine?
(29 December 2016)

A girl keeps on asking me to stay after school to help me on my manuscript. Does she like me?
(29 December 2016)

Does she like me, or is she just genuinely interested in my manuscript?
(29 December 2016)

Now, she's always calling me an asking if we could meet up to work on it.
(29 December 2016)

I was telling her about a story I was working on.
(29 December 2016)

She approached me one day at lunch and started talking.
(29 December 2016)

Wide awake? Me too. Come watch a movie and spend the night.

It’s never as much fun to go to bed alone, but some nights there’s just no sleep to be found. We might as well stay up for a little while and watch a movie, and later we can go to bed together when we’re finally ready. I’m tall, single, shaved head, sane, safe, professional, witty, [...]

Love all girls but redheads were my favorite.
(29 December 2016)

I saw this 23 year old redhead who has been there for 4 years.
(29 December 2016)

I'm 35 and an introverted weightlifter.
(29 December 2016)

How do I essentially win a girl over Snapchat?
(29 December 2016)

Just a matter of how, so I make things easier when I actually talk to her.
(29 December 2016)

Anyways so I got this girls Snapchat from my school, personally I think she's gorgeous, just trying to do a little bit where I can get her to like me.
(29 December 2016)

Win probably not the best word to use, aware of that.
(29 December 2016)

Is it OK to return perfume if you've sprayed it twice?
(29 December 2016)

Have the receipt, just realized it gives me a headache after a while?
(29 December 2016)

Why is he trying to find a girl who looks and acts like me?
(29 December 2016)

Very engaging activity for little ones to point to the ladybug and little bee on each page

God Bless My Friends celebrates all kinds of friendships and helps little ones see the value in being a friend. Can a giraffe be friends with a mouse? Would a monkey play with a tiger? The rhyming text points to the fun of having friends and doing things together, like playing ball, jumping and eating … Continue reading Very engaging activity for little ones to point to the ladybug and little bee on each page

Then she was still yelling things to me from downstairs, but I couldn't hear.
(29 December 2016)

I started crying and told her to get out of here, and she said whatever I hate you.
(29 December 2016)

I fall on the ground and then she starts kneeing me.
(29 December 2016)

I tell her to stop and then she jumps across my bed and starts kicking me.
(29 December 2016)

Then, about 5 minutes later, she barges into my room and starts yelling again.
(29 December 2016)

She then screams at me to come back and I say go to dinner without me, I'm not in the mood.
(29 December 2016)

As soon as I get in there she starts yelling at me again for no reason, so I say whatever and I'm going back upstairs and not going to dinner.
(29 December 2016)

I said no I got a bunch for Christmas and stuff and she yells whatever then, go get dressed and come in my bathroom so I can fix up your hair.
(29 December 2016)

So I carried out the day until she told me to go shower so we can go to dinner around 4. I did, and when I got out she asked if I wanted to go to the mall for a sale on clothes.
(29 December 2016)

She finally said, oh yea happy birthday right before I ended the call.
(29 December 2016)

Play Date

Play dates are few and far between. Despite the fact that our profile is that of a couple - we get to spend few opportunities together. In a few weeks she’ll be mine for an entire weekend. A weekend i // Tammara:We’re all high-school students btw.(8 December 2016) Tammara:I feel kind of worried that I actually did [...]

So I've been stressing about me having a sexual thought about a girl I likes sister, I've been stressing non stop even tho I didn't even have the sexual thought.
(29 December 2016)

Is love good or bad?
(29 December 2016)

It makes you feel great but it can drive you insane?
(29 December 2016)

Girls what would you do if a popular chicrl wants to have sex with your bf?
(29 December 2016)

How can I not have a panic attack? Why does she suddenly want to hang out?
(29 December 2016)

Why does she suddenly want to hang out?
(29 December 2016)

As you know, I am super nervous about this, considering I probably will not know what to say (yes, I am a bit shy). How can I not have a panic attack?
(29 December 2016)

She does drink a little bit, but not enough to get drunk.
(29 December 2016)

She is a really sweet girl (she was my first kiss), she is not a slut, nor does she smoke or do drugs.
(29 December 2016)

She is utterly gorgeous, it's mind-boggling.
(29 December 2016)

Sex is my addiction

Looking for goreous ladies for friends maybe more 21for discreet secret encounter ,want adult female friends maybe more ,send phon no. pics to me ,best pictures , or even dirty pics you win I’m not wierd just lonely have you ever screamed in pleasure ,curled your toes ,.contact me .hurry No other websites, [...]

As in explosive diarrhea pictures.
(29 December 2016)

I like grossing my grandma outI send it to my cousin also who says funny things.
(29 December 2016)

But he's such a sweet guy and he said he liked me when snap chatting but a lot of the times we just send pictures of eachother, do you think he is still interested?
(29 December 2016)

Then I asked for his snapchat and he gave it to me, then he started to poke my cheek on my face and kept touching me.
(29 December 2016)

At this weekly dance, fast forward to a week ago we sat by each other and talked (some awkward silence since we are both introverted) but we danced the couples dance and slow danced also.
(29 December 2016)

So we are both shy, and he approaches me dancing so we slow danced.
(29 December 2016)

Wants to walk instead of crawl?
(29 December 2016)

I thought girls were usually ahead.
(29 December 2016)

Instead of crawling, she rolls all over the living room and sits up without a problem.
(29 December 2016)

She doesn't show signs of wanting to crawl but is trying her best to walk.
(29 December 2016)

It all depends on what your body is letting go of

You might all of a sudden break out in some type of rash or something, pimples come out on the skin. What’s happens when you fast, is that your body is releasing a lot of toxins which often build up in the stomach. They’re doing everything they can to keep themselves from puking._ Vanetta:But the … Continue reading "It all depends on what your body is letting go of"

I barely talk to her, I m too scared that I ll screw up.
(29 December 2016)

I used to plan out our wedding and how amazing our life would be together, how our house would look, how our kids would be, etc.
(29 December 2016)

She s the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I think about before going to sleep.
(29 December 2016)

I m certain she never did, does, or ever will, like me.
(29 December 2016)

I m too shy to make a move, but it s too late now.
(29 December 2016)

I can t go an hour without thinking about her; she even appears in my dreams.
(29 December 2016)

She s smart, beautiful, very sweet, talented, bubbly, etc; you name it.
(29 December 2016)

So I ve liked this girl for 7 years, and I just found out she likes my friend, and my friend likes her (they don t know they like each other). I m not really sure how to get over her; I ve tried everything.
(29 December 2016)

I know he just got out of a relationship and probably wants to be single for a while which is why I wanna take it slow.
(29 December 2016)

When we text we kind of flirt but I really like him and want to take it slow.
(29 December 2016)

If you would like to communicate personally we can be reached at our gmail addresses

It’s John Podesta with 14 and a fish drawn on his palms. As the story goes, Osiris was killed and chopped into 14 pieces. Isis was able to retrieve 13 of them but the penis was lost, eaten by a fish. She substituted another phallus and magically used it to bring forth Horus, from dead … Continue reading "If you would like to communicate personally we can be reached at our gmail addresses"

My old best friend and me got in a fight and we're all hood now but we're not besties.
(29 December 2016)

They will make plans together sometimes without me and it sucks.
(29 December 2016)

At school I hangout with a group of friends but other than football games, we never hangout outside of school.
(29 December 2016)

I live alone with my mom and on summer break or any break, I sit alone at home because there's no one to hangout with.
(29 December 2016)

How do guys feel about eating a girl out?
(29 December 2016)

Names for Rape Victim?
(29 December 2016)

She's being taken in by three males: Jordyn Hathaway Blake Schoemer Ryan Donahue Ryan will be the perpetrator.
(29 December 2016)

I'm writing a script and I need a name for a female rape victim.
(29 December 2016)

Does it mean something or am I overreacting.
(29 December 2016)

Also she changed the way I use to get spanked she spanked me with her hair brush but my dad usually just spanks my butt with his hand.
(29 December 2016)

Little Girl looking for oral volunteers!

Peoria, Arizona // Treva:What happens if you break a promise ring?(8 December 2016) Treva:But yeah, just wondering if you automatically go to hell or something lolz.(8 December 2016) Treva:Cause doesn’t it seem that you could just wear the promise ring and pretend you’re a virgin to your parents or whatever, while still having sex?(8 December [...]

However, a few days ago I took one of the pills like 4 hours later than the time that I usually take it at.
(29 December 2016)

I recently started using birth control pills like 17 days ago.
(29 December 2016)

Usually me and my boyfriend always have sex with a condom but today we had sex without a condom but he pulled out right before he came.
(29 December 2016)

I should've gotten it on the 24th.
(29 December 2016)

I have irregular periods I don't get them every month but I had a thyroid problem and I think that was the cause of it.. My thyroid is fine now so shouldn't I have gotten my period already this month?
(29 December 2016)

I took two pregnancy tests about a week or so ago they were negative but I took them BEFORE my missed period.
(29 December 2016)

Would a girl be that comfortable coming over with a guy she know for a few months if that?
(29 December 2016)

There is this girl I like and I asked if she wants to come over sometime and study for finals.
(29 December 2016)

I how accurate are condoms and could I be pregnant?
(29 December 2016)

I had sex with a guy and use a condom and the next day I had brown spotting and now a week later my boobs are sore and full it's too early for me to test.. could I be pregnant how accurate are condoms?
(29 December 2016)

Is age just a number or something that you fear?

Wow, it’s been a few weeks since I blogged and I did say to myself that I’d use this place as my random and kinky thoughts dumping ground. So I should really get that flogger out and do something abo // Lucila:People in their late 40s and older, do you talk to your parents everyday?(8 December [...]

He hits and makes me apologize first for getting him mad in the first place.
(28 December 2016)

If he does something wrong he breaks up with me just so he does not apologize and he makes me apologize.
(28 December 2016)

Why do some parents get rid of their kid's childhood stuff without even asking them first?What is there reason for doing that?
(28 December 2016)

How would you do if a girl tells you she moved on?
(28 December 2016)

I don't know if he realizes how it affects me when he asks for things like that.
(28 December 2016)

But it's been weighing heavily on my mind and I don't know what to do about it.
(28 December 2016)

I don't think right now would be the time for us to date anyway since we go to school so far away.
(28 December 2016)

I don't know why he keeps asking me for them when he's said he doesn't want anything to happen.
(28 December 2016)

I told him that it has bothered me and he stopped, but recently he asked me for nudes again and he wanted to save them for himself.
(28 December 2016)

We have since reconciled and he has made jokes about the two of us having sex.
(28 December 2016)

I get mad when I hear the word “fat”

Hello allI get mad when I hear people say she/he is fat! I do not like that word. today While at walmart I over heard a guy and his freind in the checkout line saying this lady was fat. now if i heard // Jeanie:For once, I would like to start conversation but im scared i [...]

They were very upset about things I wrote, and I was angry and my trus in my parents was completely shattered.
(28 December 2016)

One day, I came back from school, and I found out my mom had found my diary and read everything in it and told my dad about.
(28 December 2016)

Being that I was in 6th grade and going through puberty, I wrote about some body issues of mine, how I feel likes it's a struggle to fit in, etc.
(28 December 2016)

Back when I was like in 6th grade, I kept a diary, where I wrote down secrets and personal things about myself.
(28 December 2016)

I went to the doctor a week ago and was told I had an abnormal papsmear, I have been married for 3 years. (Keep reading)?
(28 December 2016)

He gets me everything I want, I feel as if I'm lacking affection it makes me feel uncomfortable at times.
(28 December 2016)

I asked him if he cares and he says he wouldn't try to appease me if he did not.
(28 December 2016)

I was saying I would trade everything I have to be with someone that cares and puts it out.
(28 December 2016)

When I heard the results, I started to question does my husband truly care about what happens to me, he is not affectionate towards me, nor am I to him.
(28 December 2016)

How long should you wait before kissing a guy?
(28 December 2016)

Nice, Educate Woman Seeks Decent Man, Vaues

Post keps getting flagged by previous guy I wasnt interested in too weird..sour grapes lol…so will be brief. Have many interests, older but still feminine, blond, Part Italian, attr for my age, seeking man who’s kindly and seek the long term, clean cut and pref educated and professional….am an artist heave many interests, [...]

She has set a wedding date for April 30th.
(28 December 2016)

Do you think my female friend is being rude of just busy?
(28 December 2016)

My friends think she is rude and just ignoring me.
(28 December 2016)

We talked last Thursday so at least she called me back.
(28 December 2016)

Talking to girls over facebook?
(28 December 2016)

I am also looking to hookup... but I have absolutely no experience with this. what do i do?
(28 December 2016)

Will I come across as weird if I strike up a conversation with someone I barely know?
(28 December 2016)

I want to start friendships with some of my former classmates and talk to some of the girls in my graduating class... but where do I start?
(28 December 2016)

However since I went to college I have largely changed myself and I am more outgoing than before.
(28 December 2016)

I was an introvert in high school and while I knew alot of people... I didn't hang out with many and as a result am very estranged to alot of my former classmate and underclassmen.
(28 December 2016)

50’s dating (is it possible?)

I’m at that point in my life where time now permits me to start enjoying the fruits of my labor. I am hoping to find someone who is also in a similar situation. Focusing on a career cost me a great deal of time. I guess, not realizing it, I missed out on the companionship, [...]

Well, My aunt is 35 ( mother of 3 kids). She has no sex for last 4 years as her husband died 4 years ago so the question always comes in my mind is that how she fullfill her sexual requirement?
(28 December 2016)

I seem to be too impatient. Any help?
(28 December 2016)

Can anyone give me advice on how to stay patient and be a calm and collected guy?
(28 December 2016)

This has bothered me for a while and I thought about cutting myself off from all forms of social interaction around women for the fear that I might be too impatient in the future.
(28 December 2016)

I do not know how to find the patience to let things spring to fruition.
(28 December 2016)

But for some reason, every time I go on dates with other women, I am always anxious to get it started again.
(28 December 2016)

Over the course of those years, I've come to understand why it had to end and the things I should work on.
(28 December 2016)

I am 19 years old and I haven't been in a committed relationship for a couple years now.
(28 December 2016)

I always seem to be too impatient to get things going.
(28 December 2016)

It seems I have figured out the problem as to why I am unable to date anyone.
(28 December 2016)

Meet me in the morning for a nice morning fuck

Im house sitting. Gotta go check on the dog in the morning. Will be there around 1030. Some mutual head and a little nice morning fun sound really good. Am very real. No games no bs. Will be up around 9am. Txt me or email me with a pic and be ready to meet 94th [...]

Me and my overseas friend finish having phone sex and we were talking and he said he has a friend who is attracted to American girls.
(28 December 2016)

What do you call a girl who dated multiple boys?
(28 December 2016)

Fir example she's dated more than 5 guys in 1 year.4 of them were in the same school.
(28 December 2016)

Is this unprofessional behavior?
(28 December 2016)

May December relationship should I give it a go?
(28 December 2016)

I had an affair and we are now friends afterwards?
(28 December 2016)

Any ideas on how to deal with this child?
(28 December 2016)

Why does he want me to stand near him?
(28 December 2016)

What risks am I running with this gift?
(28 December 2016)

Would she see it as me trying to dictate her clothes and jewelry ... or enjoy it because she likes the style and sentiment?
(28 December 2016)

Eat plenty of Oranges for better immunity as they flush out toxins from the body

And, Orange is great option to improve the skin inside out as it is loaded with Anti-oxidants. And use the left over orange peels to rejuvenate your skin. Also the Vitamin C in it fights premature skin ageing and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles._ Myrtis:Today one of my guy friends who I … Continue reading Eat plenty of Oranges for better immunity as they flush out toxins from the body

I know that it's really not okay for a thirteen year old girl to be watching a video of a man over twice my age basically masturbating onstage.
(28 December 2016)

I might have stumbled upon a video called Gerard Way's Many Moans and Groans... And I may or may not have watched it... Over 5 times... But I don't regret it.
(28 December 2016)

Even my parents and other aunts and uncles have stated the same thing.
(28 December 2016)

I'm not the only one who thinks this way.
(28 December 2016)

How would you feel if you couldn't get over an ex and a new person loved you but you're trying to fix things with your ex?
(28 December 2016)

Would someone rate my D&D character?
(28 December 2016)

Her name is ailis rocksteady, she's a dwarf fighter.
(28 December 2016)

Do you think my aunt is too strict on my cousins?
(28 December 2016)

Don't force them to sit at one place and shut their mouth.
(28 December 2016)

If they want to listen to their favorite songs and sing, then let them do it.
(28 December 2016)

Ebert famously reviewed films relative to genre and audience expectation

He could just as well bestow his coveted four star rating on a romantic comedy or supernatural horror as a lofty family drama. But will this basket of secular deplorables stop Grace from defending her faith? Before the credits roll, Christians everywhere are reminded that God is good and most definitely not dead._ Latoya:I was … Continue reading "Ebert famously reviewed films relative to genre and audience expectation"

Friend wants me to watch her kids and get paid through care 4 kids?
(30 December 2016)

Is it worth it and will they pay well?
(30 December 2016)

Do I need to tell a parent I have bow legs?
(30 December 2016)

Iv been attracted to Black woman since I was 18 is it a fettish or a permanent part of me and the feelings will not go away with time?
(30 December 2016)

Where are the orifices in which a human would mate with a crab?
(30 December 2016)

What's a bigger scam. The lottery or online dating?
(30 December 2016)

But so rare that it probably wont matter.
(30 December 2016)

Like if McDonalds had an ad with a guy choking on a burger.
(30 December 2016)

They should put in captions, never if rarely will this work.
(30 December 2016)

Can some body make a mash up of; When im Gone by 3 Doors Down and This is Gosple by Panic at the disco?
(30 December 2016)

If you have a lot of redness or suffer from rosacea then look for a colour correcting primer

Recently I went to buy a colour corrector and was faced with beige, violet, green, rose and slew of other colours. The thing is, i was convinced that I needed every one. So how do you know which concealer to choose? If you have a darker skin tone, opt for a deeper green and one [...]

That make me sick Whenever i talk about it.
(30 December 2016)

My boyfriend told me that his cousin live in his room and both Share bed and they have had sex couple of time.
(30 December 2016)

My Boyfriend Aunt died and his Female cousin move to his home.
(30 December 2016)

My boyfriend Hangout with his cousin and have sex relationship with his cousin.
(30 December 2016)

I m relationship from 5 months and its long distance relationship.
(30 December 2016)

My mum won't let me keep my phone at night?
(30 December 2016)

Why do men try to sex women on the first date?
(30 December 2016)

Dating a guy with anxiety & depression then friendzoned?
(30 December 2016)

I really like him a lot and he introduced me to his whole family and told me he cares about me but now it feels like he doesn't care anymore.
(30 December 2016)

I read somewhere that this behavior is normal for someone dealing with anxiety and depression.
(30 December 2016)

Is there sex………………………………

after death?I hope so.[image]They stole my pic AGAIN. Trying again. // Masako:Let me just say that she is a lesbian, and has came out to me and my wife about a year ago, so I think I know the reason behind this.(8 December 2016) Masako:Not only was the remote there, but so were about 3 or 4 [...]

Eventually we drifted apart and I've never felt that way since.
(30 December 2016)

I regret it all so much, and hate myself for it.
(30 December 2016)

We became really good friends, but as time went on, I never told her how I felt and kept it all to myself.
(30 December 2016)

I would think about her every waking moment of my life.
(30 December 2016)

I mean really in love, and very obsessed.
(30 December 2016)

I sound like a loser but I'm going to explain it anyway because I really need help.
(30 December 2016)

Hey guys I got a question about how I should confess to this girl?
(30 December 2016)

Should I wait three years till I can see her to confess?
(30 December 2016)

I like her a lot and luckily she isn't seeing anyone.
(30 December 2016)

I don't know what to do so can you help me?
(30 December 2016)


Hi im Tj and you are I am 26 how old are you? I am black but i domt care what ravw you are becauae im not racist? I am christian baptist if tou are not thats fine just plan on beimg wternal friends. I have 2 kids school age it would be great if [...]

I didn't have a girlfriend but, I was starting to have a crush on her.
(30 December 2016)

She asked if I had a girlfriend and confessed her feelings for me.
(30 December 2016)

At the end of the trip, she pulled me aside to ask me something.
(30 December 2016)

We spent the day together and had a great time.
(30 December 2016)

Because of this, we got to know each other very well.
(30 December 2016)

She sat behind me and we were usually partners.
(30 December 2016)

When I was in middle school, I had a class with this girl.
(30 December 2016)

Why are girls these days usually arrogant and bitchy?
(30 December 2016)

Why aren't parents raising their daughters to be sweet and kind?
(30 December 2016)

Need opinions, do i move on or keep trying w this girl?
(30 December 2016)