Tuesday 27 September 2016

Now the nights are getting darker

Wonders what all the horny brits will be getting up to Any local females to the Sussex area if you fancy spending some time in BGS let me know? //meelp.com/blog/600872/post_3511160.html?ANON_CONFIRM=TRUE Nicola:Hi im in highschool, first date ideas?(19 September 2016) Nicola:I wan’t to make this memorable but I have searched the Internet and most things on there I [...]

Which, that type of yhing happens ALL the time.
(27 September 2016)

The other day he physically bumped into me, winked, and kept going.
(27 September 2016)

I never move even when the rest of the class does.
(27 September 2016)

I still sit right in front of his desk.
(27 September 2016)

On the first day of school this year he asked how old I was and made a really weird comment about me being a senior and almost an adult, but that probably meant nothing.
(27 September 2016)

One day he tried to force me to wear his jacket.
(27 September 2016)

During my sophomore year I sat right in front of his desk, and he always used me in examples.
(27 September 2016)

Explain why a les says girl on girl sex is deplorable,but then has sex with girls,cause it helps deal her with stress of college work?help?
(27 September 2016)

Why am I the odd one out of my family?
(27 September 2016)

I'm trying very hard to be accepted but it is not working.
(27 September 2016)

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